TriFecta Airsoft Podcast

Episode 317: Whitehorse Milsim- Shared Laughs and Life Lessons in Airsoft

April 06, 2024 Erock Season 1 Episode 317
Episode 317: Whitehorse Milsim- Shared Laughs and Life Lessons in Airsoft
TriFecta Airsoft Podcast
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TriFecta Airsoft Podcast
Episode 317: Whitehorse Milsim- Shared Laughs and Life Lessons in Airsoft
Apr 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 317

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When a South African native finds himself embracing the Michigan lifestyle due to a pandemic twist of fate, it cues a whirlwind of stories from the profound to the profane. My guests and I saunter through a cultural collage, weighing in on the South African tradition of lobola against the backdrop of American customs, all while dissecting the nuances of our accents and trading tales like his teammate's moniker "Pineapple," minted from his days in military and gaming circles. The episode is a hearty blend of laughter and lessons, where even Star Wars makes a cameo, leaving us to ponder the resilience of modern society and the sanctity of parenting in a world that's changing at lightspeed.
Strap on your tactical gear and join the camaraderie of the Whitehorse Milsim team as we recount the highs and lows of airsoft battles that run deeper than just pellets and play. From the valorous earning of call signs to the strategic mastery of game logistics, our banter brings you into the heart of a community where every skirmish is steeped in preparation and passion. And if you think airsoft is just about the game, think again—as we chart the course of friendships forged in the thick of Thunderdome events and the unexpected twists, like games paused for wandering guard dogs, that keep us on our toes.
In a world increasingly focused on screens, we circle back to the tangible ties that bind us, musing over how airsoft paves the way for generational connections and the growth of personal relationships. The team spirit of Whitehorse isn't just about what happens on the field; it's about the shared moments from planning community service projects to navigating the tender balance of teamwork and leadership. So, if you're ready for a peek behind the curtain of milsim event planning or simply itching for a story that might spark a business idea in Arkansas, tune in and join us as we chart the unexpected pathways where life and airsoft intersect.

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When a South African native finds himself embracing the Michigan lifestyle due to a pandemic twist of fate, it cues a whirlwind of stories from the profound to the profane. My guests and I saunter through a cultural collage, weighing in on the South African tradition of lobola against the backdrop of American customs, all while dissecting the nuances of our accents and trading tales like his teammate's moniker "Pineapple," minted from his days in military and gaming circles. The episode is a hearty blend of laughter and lessons, where even Star Wars makes a cameo, leaving us to ponder the resilience of modern society and the sanctity of parenting in a world that's changing at lightspeed.
Strap on your tactical gear and join the camaraderie of the Whitehorse Milsim team as we recount the highs and lows of airsoft battles that run deeper than just pellets and play. From the valorous earning of call signs to the strategic mastery of game logistics, our banter brings you into the heart of a community where every skirmish is steeped in preparation and passion. And if you think airsoft is just about the game, think again—as we chart the course of friendships forged in the thick of Thunderdome events and the unexpected twists, like games paused for wandering guard dogs, that keep us on our toes.
In a world increasingly focused on screens, we circle back to the tangible ties that bind us, musing over how airsoft paves the way for generational connections and the growth of personal relationships. The team spirit of Whitehorse isn't just about what happens on the field; it's about the shared moments from planning community service projects to navigating the tender balance of teamwork and leadership. So, if you're ready for a peek behind the curtain of milsim event planning or simply itching for a story that might spark a business idea in Arkansas, tune in and join us as we chart the unexpected pathways where life and airsoft intersect.

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That's what your accent is, okay. South Africa yeah, you were born and raised over there.


Mm-hmm Nice.


Welcome to an amazing country.


Are you in Michigan?


with these guys Michigan, michigan. He's been here for a few minutes.


Why did you choose Michigan?

Jonly Bonly:

My wife's in Michigan, michigan, yeah. So we started off here and then COVID hit and now we're here. I mean, at least you could have combed your hair, man. I honestly, I, I literally I know I've been checking myself in the in the camera and I'm like oh fuck man, I look like shit, but okay, I don't even shave the easiest hairstyle is just getting rid of the hair.


I don't even have I got the fucking mid drop fade going?


oh yeah, well, you're military yeah, I'm still active. Sadly, most of you guys have actually you can actually grow hair.


Mine's gone, so I mean 44 years old and still got great hair dude.


It looks great, I know looking cute over there, pineapple, that's the ginger genetics. Hey, pineapple, you trying to turn that patch on your head upside down.


No, okay. So there's a funny story behind that and I can talk to you about that outside of this podcast.


Did someone think you were a swinger?


No, you want to hear it, it's a good way I know this story, I know the story so I used to go by the call sign tank because I'm big and I'm slow and I just kind of get in everybody's way. So I was doing a centurion event 2018 in pritchard, oklahoma. It was their second event at that AO and my job was to be the interrogator. I was an 18 Foxtrot, which is the intelligence officer, or intelligence NCO, for an ODA team, and I just watched a Patty Mayo video of him chasing a guy down in a parking lot of a strip mall and I was like I fucking like that, so I go when I do this interrogation. I said, hey look, my safe word is pineapple juice, but no one's ever made me use it and I kind of go into this little mantra of like.


I wrote it out and I had a whole script and I memorized it, I got it down and I practiced it. I'm a girlfriend at the time so I knew it really well and it just kind of stuck from there and to this day, everybody knows me as pineapple. And then Anthony Patton uh, from body armor event they are a sponsor of mine. Um, it was like hey, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta embrace that. That persona dude like that's you, you're the pineapple guy. So he bought me a, a little charm, a little aluminum charm or, as the europeans say, aluminium, and uh, I still carry that and it's just kind of taken off and now it's part of strike force milson, which is is me and my brand. Um, so yeah, pineapple, just pineapple, and coincidentally, I do live that lifestyle.


Yes, oh, you're trying to make your way over to arkansas no, bro, bro, my door swings one way, but her swings both.


Damn. But yeah, Pineapple just wanted to say this. We don't speak metric here, we speak the correct system here, so you don't need to say aluminium.


It's just funny to say aluminium, though.

Jonly Bonly:

That's actually how you pronounce it it is if you look it up, just saying but I mean, that's how the red coats pronounce it.


So I'm not going to pronounce it that way well, I mean, you're just wrong uh well, I've been drinking for like the past 20 hours oh shit oh, I've been up for like two days straight, let me go into, let me intro you guys and then welcome you guys.


I'm going to do my sponsor thing and then we'll start this circus. It's going to be fun.


I love having large groups on man. It's going to be awesome.


All right.


Shout out to the sponsor Skirmish you guys have heard me talk about this forever. To the sponsor Skirmish. You guys have heard me talk about this forever. Go to skirmishnet to check out more info. You can see live games going on. You know. It's the overview of the map with the hotspots of objectives being taken over and that kind of thing.


So it is the. In my opinion, it's the best data tracking system for airsoft. It's the easiest to use. It's the. Now you gotta be smart to use it. If you're going to set it up at your event. You got to know what you're doing a little bit. Okay, or at least have Brandon help you set it up. I think it's kind of ahead of its time, to be honest, because there's so much you can do with it. So I'm looking forward to what's going on with it uh, this year. But uh, and then, uh, another new sponsor is jackal tactical. Uh, jacktaccom, if you go there you can check it out. They're up in pa and they do um, they have a couple stores field and other world mililsim that they promote or host events out of. So appreciate the sponsors.


And yeah, and then I've got my guests on. Today is Whitehorse Milsim team out of Michigan Shout out Michigan Iconic state for a lot of reasons. And I've had how many? Two, four, six. We have six guests on from that team. I've had four of them on individually. You can go look those up. I had Doc on Minty, rambo and Pineapple down here at the bottom. The new one is Power. So welcome everybody. Appreciate you guys being on and Barker, sorry.


I was about to say damn, I guess I'll just head out of here.


It's your cat ears. Okay, I got distracted.


They're too glorious.


I wouldn't call them that, but sure we'll go with it. I am the hottest e-girl. Okay, no, I saw a big titty goth girl at kroger, the other day I I got pretty, pretty big bahonkers I think pretty good.


Good, I think I just figured out barker's call sign goth girl, or big yeah, so let's go actually um you're you're.


Uh, that's your call sign, brad. Yours is pineapple yep, minty. You have your call sign, brad. Yours is Pineapple Minty. You have your call sign on the screen. There, doc, you have yours on the screen. So, barker and Power, do you get your call signs?


Mine actually has a very interesting backstory behind it. I didn't choose it myself and I'd rather it not. It's an amazing call sign with an amazing story, but I don't feel like I quite have earned it Pretty much. During a Red Dawn event put on by Mirror Tactical in Crete, illinois, I went there in full World War II 101st paratrooper kit, but my buddy's gun broke down, so I was there as like full 101st medic kit kit.


My buddy's gun broke down, uh, so I handed him my thompson. Then my other buddy's gun broke down, so I handed him my 1911. So I was just running around, no weapon, just a big ass bag full of bandages. Uh, right, like just pulling people back into the game the entire time, sprinting from one end of the battlefield to the other, just getting up. I think I probably pulled up like something around 200, maybe 250 people that day and a lot of the team attributed the uh, like us winning the event to me, because I was the only mech for a team of 100 people, if not larger. And yeah, they started calling me Hacksaw, based off of Hacksaw Ridge.


Yeah right.


Like. I said I don't feel like I've earned that, because he genuinely was a hero.


Yeah but still, I mean, that's what you were doing, yeah no, that's super.


You know what I think you do deserve it. You did all that. That's badass. That's a far cooler store than I took mine from a strip mall video. I mean I named myself sort of, but yeah, that's cool, yeah no that's badass man.


Kudos to you, bro yeah, um the way you were describing that game sounds like uh. Every time I played battlefield 4 when it came out I was just the medic dude because I sucked at shooting okay well, I well, I'm a really good shot.


So, like my role on the team is phil, I can fulfill any role. I have the gear and equipment to fill any role and as well as a skill set, but just no one ever fucking plays medics at events right, which I don't know why. I think they're fucking fun. I think it's fun to play as a medic yeah, um busy yeah, yeah, you've always got running out getting shot all the time, oh 100 they don't know how to take cover, so like I primarily, does I primarily play as a medic?


stay there oh yeah, they. They just kind of uh, oh, is that a big open field lined with enemy machine guns? Let Let me sprint head forward into that.


No, look bro, when the Milsons I've been to these guys you know 700 people at Stonebreaker, they get on. You know everyone's hyped up, okay, they're all nervous. They're all like that good, nervous energy, right, they're ready to go? Oh, yeah, and they're amped up. And then they've been drinking oh, they drank their energy drink that morning. Okay, they're ready to freaking. They took a big shit, okay, so they feel great. They got all this freaking gear on and then they say go, the whistle blows with a horn or whatever and they sprint right. Everyone starts sprinting and these dudes are fat my two sons, they're big as hell, okay, out of shape. They start sprintinging, they go about you know less than a football field and they're like holy shit or they drink four like okay, I'm gonna run out and get shot.


So I can just lay here for a second, okay well, uh, so like the thing is, when it comes to larger milsims, the start, like the beginning push, is probably the most meaningful, uh, like the first push of the day, because if you can control certain points on the map, you can pretty much hold the entire map. For Sheboygan, for example, if you control the roof on Sheboygan, there is one way up, so it's one hell of a bottleneck I have during some Sheboygan events people have blacked out because of the sheer amount of grenade smoke at that one staircase leading up to the, because it's just constant grenades getting dropped down the staircase by the people controlling the roof or getting, or like getting, thrown up there by people at the bottom of that staircase so not to change the subject, you're, uh, so you're hacksaw.


Uh, let so power. Is that your nickname or is that your call sign?

Jonly Bonly:

well it, it was power. It was actually power to the moon, just because I couldn't find a name to type in because everything was taken online. So I just was like what would nobody choose? But eventually bradley came up with this joanly bonely, because we were sitting in the car. They were trying to pronounce my name and I told them well, if you can't say that, just say j and p, like in p for people. But he heard j and b, so just j and b. And then he showed me this comedian that somebody wrote. He can tell you the whole story. They wrote it down J only and B only, and then J only bone, if that makes sense oh my god, that's funny, that's one of our.


Thunderdome stories when you get it, when you get a moment. Look up a guy. His name is Henry Cho. He's an adopted kid from Korea. He's been around a real long time. He talks about his buddy that he grew up with. His parents named him JB. Jb doesn't stand for nothing. He goes into this whole shtick. When it came time to go get his driver's license, he put down J only B, only Stewart. So the lady when he took his test and he passed it said J only B, only Stewart. So Jonely Bonely Stewart. And that's how he got his. That's how he's called Jonely Bonely. There's the root of shit, dude lady. That was good, that was a lot of fun, oh that's a fun story, so wait, wait, wait All these stories that you are going to hear about the Thunderdome.


They have one common theme they involve me, Purposely or accidentally, they all involve me.


Yeah, so I wasn't at Thunderdome. I can give you countless stories, just none of them will be from there.


No, we got all kinds of stories, but the last event we were at was thunderdome 4, which, um. There is a thunderdome 5 in august which I'm planning on attending and hopefully the rest of the team is too. But um the of the recent, most recent shenanigans, somehow I am the at the epicenter of all of it, either intentionally or unintentionally. Is that a?


Lion Claws event. Yes, I'm looking at your guys' Instagram so I see the post here.


Actually, mindy, do you know if Norbert's getting on there? Because I might try to fly back home to Illinois and drive up with him for that, if I'm able to take leave For which one. Thunderdome 5. I don't know, I'll have to get with him on that.


We haven't had a meeting regarding that one yet.


I actually. I was invited to the team by a friend of mine that I've known for a while, been playing with for a while. He's not here right now with us. He is currently driving home. He might join later. Did he say if he was or not?


No, what's here right now is who's going to be in the podcast.


Oh okay he won't be joining us tonight, but I actually haven't played with a lot of these guys and I'm really excited to once I'm finally able to. If Mir can maybe get an event done down here. I'm also trying to get in contact with veterans for Airsoft Maybe see if they can get something down here, because I feel like there's a huge untapped Airsoft market in Arkansas, considering there are two major military installations.


Is that you with the feedback? Yeah, you're not one of the switch mics Me.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it's kind of static-y. There was that thing I was telling you about earlier.


Yep, I mean, I'm even the reason why Doc chews again. Yeah.

Jonly Bonly:

How is?


it now.

Jonly Bonly:

What you're saying is bad influence. Uh, is it better now?


yeah, yeah, definitely nope, okay, son of a bitch, all right well uh, plug it and plug it back in soon I, I just did uh let me just ramp over this back around all right, uh, how's this?


no, that's better better for now.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, all right yeah, sorry, it's just, this is a low quality mic.


Well, yeah, it's because I swapped over to this mic rather than I was going off of this mic oh no, dude, always use the headset mic.


What are you talking about?


hell yeah. Well, this one hasn't really been giving me any trouble what's your MLS in the army? You're in the army right. I'm in the Air Force. I'm 2-5-3-1 Bravo C-130J Crew Chief. Air. Force explains the cat ears Pineapple.


Hmm, oh yeah. Head out head out head out, Minty, where's? Yours.


Don't be dissing the cat ears.


Oh, wait, wait, he gets those after he officially joins.


What's that?


The cat ears.


If I move my waifu cup, I have a set of custom built PewDiePie cat ears.


There's my set right there, you know what we should all chip in and get Minty a set of cat ear headphones.


They're actually not that expensive. He could probably afford them. They're like maybe $100.


I could probably afford them. I'm in college, sir, and I'm E3. He can afford an officer without losing $20. There we go.


Going back to the last event, Thunderdome had a lot of ups and downs for the team as a whole.


Was that your guys' last big event?


Yeah, that was our last big event. It actually was also our first event for the season and for most of us, with the exception of me exception of me Rambo, doc and Minty uh getting together. We got two new members out of that event from that were local. There are Carolina, uh, affiliates there, yeah, but um, we, we did have, I mean, there's a lot of fun, for I know Minty had a lot of fun and I did what little I got to play. I did get dehydrated.


A little bit of fun there.


A little bit of fun. I did get first time playing Milsim, first time ever really getting dehydrated, that I had enough that I had to go to the hospital. Minty yeah.


That was on day one on Saturday. Like I played the Friday night game for a little bit. That was on day one on Saturday, Like I played the Friday night game for a little bit. And then Saturday, um, I started having chest pains and palpitations and I was like this ain't right. So I was like I'll just go sit down and just pump water. Right, I knew I might've been a little dehydrated. I was like I'll go upstairs pump some water, Cause we were in a basement, it's super hot, a little like three liters worth of what I was going to pump through my system.


But I got disoriented and a little confused. I got confused and I was like, okay, this is more than just I'm a little thirsty and I didn't drink enough. So I went upstairs. I quietly found a medic because I wasn't going to interrupt the gameplay, because I'm not that dude, you know and so I was able to walk out on my own power. I grabbed a ref. I said look, I just got dehydrated, I just got disoriented and I'm not feeling that great. I'm having chest pains. Can you get me to a medic? Yeah, so he walked me off to the medic.


An hour later, minty and, uh, corey, uh, who's our newest member? Uh, showed up and stayed with me while everybody else played, and so I I you know. I think that if you're able to do that sort of thing uh, low key, so you don't interrupt the gameplay of others um, you should, obviously, if you're playing and you fall out, that's a different story, but sure, if you're able to carry yourself off the field quietly and not interrupt two to three hundred people, by all means. I suggest doing that and that's what I did. Yes, but.

Jonly Bonly:

But pineapple that was. That was a little, to be honest, that was a little bit too low-key. Um, because I I went up to reef, like I got shot. So I went back to respawn and I remember you were sitting on the chair and you said I just don't feel too good, you're like I'm just gonna go go to the medics, let them check me out. I was like, okay, shot man, okay go. I was, I didn't even you know, I thought it was just you, maybe dehydrated, like you said, but nothing bad. And you actually walked there. If you told me I would have helped you. So maybe from now on, pineapple juice. So I know this is serious.


Nobody else in the game will know. We will know, come on.


Alright, I won't be, but see, that's Rambo and Doc and an Iraq know. You know, from our training being in the military, we try not to disturb the group as a whole and if we can go out on our own power, we will do it quickly and quietly so that the mission continues on. So that the mission continues on. And the mission was to allow people to have their own experience at the mall and not stop because one dude didn't drink enough water and was a dipshit about it.


At least you own it man, yeah no. Well, you know this is a big issue, though Not a big issue, but it's a common issue at Milson's.


It is, it really is. Well, I actually have a story that is.


Does anyone on here track their water? Maybe you don't write it down, but you kind of know in your head, like every day, how much you drink. So I use something. I use this thing. I don't even know what it's called. To be honest, I got it off of Nalgene, I think.


Yeah, water bottle, so I've used this. This is 48 ounces. It's got a filter in it. You can swap filters. It filters like I forget how many gallons of water, but it filters everything, including fluoride, which is what I was trying to do, especially after my illness, and so I was trying to eliminate different variables of what I was putting in my body, so to try to figure out whatever went wrong. But so, anyway, I drink one to two of these a day, like during the winter I drink one. You know I should drink two, but we're close to two, but I drink two of these in the summer every day. And it even has a thing on here like a time time stamps.

Jonly Bonly:

So like this yeah.


So either side, 8 am, you should be down to here 10, right, or 9, 10, whatever, all the way down to 6 pm, from 8 to 6. And then, of course, your ounces and that kind of thing. So I know because I've been using that kind of thing for so long. If you ask me how much water did you drink Tuesday of this week, I'm like oh I know, I didn't drink two, so it was definitely one. So about 48 ounces, whatever, but that's a constant. I've been doing that for since I got out of the military. I always knew water intake was a big thing. Now I didn't always drink the amount of water I'm supposed to drink, but I could tell you how much I drank. Yesterday I drank one bottle of water and 24 beers.


So okay, I'm dehydrated Speaking of that, that reminds me I got to get a beer. I'm dehydrated, right, Speaking of that. That reminds me I got to get a beer.


So what happened with me was is that I drank my what I normally prep for airsoft, so I'll I'll make sure that I'm drinking, uh, anywhere from 60 to 80 ounces a day. That's good, yeah, which is what I know, which is a little bit more than I normally do.


Yeah, but it's a little bit more than I normally do, yeah, but I got on the old man pill, which is the uh, the flow max, because I have a. I'm just be honest. I got a prostate problem. I'm at that age, you know. So one of the side effects is dehydration and I didn't, I did not account for that medication because it's new to me, so I didn't drink more to combat that side effect so you don't necessarily need to drink more, but there's something they sell at the BX called liquid IV.


It's fucking phenomenal, it's a fucking game changer, ph something or whatever alkaline the black bottle of smart yeah, body armor yeah, I found liquid iv out in las vegas.


There's actually clinics out there. When I went to shot show, they have clinics. You can come in and for a fee they'll even bring it to you. But they had a booth up there and that I was doing a lot of walking, uh, in that time frame, so I was consuming a lot of water and the rep was like, hey, just pop one of these in here's for the next couple of days and that shit's fucking awesome oh yeah it doesn't taste great it works, I really like.


I think it's the pomegranate flavor. That stuff tastes amazing, of course it does. You got rabbit ears on, bro come on, um, but yeah, uh, like I was saying earlier, I have actually have a story, very contrary to what pineapple said, and we were talking a bit in the discord before this. Uh, who here worked for mirror before?


was that rambo. Oh yeah, it was Rambo, so you might remember this from. I think it was a couple Sheboygan's ago. So my team was winning really hard I can't remember if I was on green or tan, but my team was winning by a lot and someone on the other team released the property owner's guard dogs onto the field and that put the entire game on pause. Someone on the other team released the property owners guard dogs onto the field Whoa and that, like, put the entire game on pause. We all had to go back to our spawn points and just clear the entire AO while, like, the refs and staff got the dogs back into where they were supposed to be. That's crazy.


What kind?


of dogs? Were they? I don't remember. I never actually saw them, but I know when the game restarted there were more than a couple people on the other team that didn't go back to their respawn and they immediately captured the roof. The second the game restarted and that just completely turned the tide of the event and I think they ended up winning that one because of that. But like just to kind of give some contrast to what Pineapple like Pineapple, being a good player, you do get those bad apples sometimes that just try to ruin it for everyone else.


Yeah, that's anything really Do you remember that, rambo, I wasn't an ambassador at that time, I was only an ambassador for a few months with Nick. Alright, was it the Nick that's a ref at Black Ops? No, nick, it was Nick Armada, I believe his last name. He's down in Florida now. Okay, yeah, I know, jonathan. Well, I also haven't played in like a year and a half.


Are you really wearing a Pua shirt? What Are you wearing a Pua shirt? No.


Yeah, he is.

Speaker 5:

Yeah you are You're wearing a Pua shirt. No, yeah, he is.


Yeah, you are You're wearing a pink unicorn shirt, sir.


Oh yeah, I just noticed that.


Okay, the first black shirt I see in the closet. Okay, you know what.


Not all black shirts look the same.


Not all. Let's get the white horse shirt. That's also a black shirt.


That shirt, let's get the white horse shirt. That's also a black shirt. That shirt profile. No, no, no, I'm waiting for the tan 499 white horse.


We're getting there. I think I finally found the shirt.


Okay, well, once you do, I'll buy one.


I'm testing it out right now with my OCPs to see how they feel, before I start getting processed for that.


Oh, you got the patches too yeah. I got the soffies right now, yeah, so I had Pink Unicorn on and then I had Sergeant Major Green on Timothy something.


I think right after.


Like in a row.


Yeah. You got kicked off YouTube, didn't you for that?


So we tried to do a. Who was I doing a live stream with? It might have been it might have been pink unicorn yeah, you pink unicorn, I think it was yeah I was doing a live stream. So that was the first one that we got shut down. That's right, because, uh, he picked up those double pistols or whatever and um, now see here that's why I love recording these, because we can do whatever you can show, whatever you don't have to worry about that stuff.


And you just edit it out and post, so I don't edit it out. Uh, I don't edit these. Yeah, uh, the only time the, the only thing I'll edit out of these podcasts are technical problems, like if it was just me and somebody else and maybe they had an issue, their internet went out or got really laggy, I'll cut those. If they, oh, hey, wait, I'm going to go grab something, right, and then they're gone for 30 seconds, I cut that out, but I don't edit out content. Seconds, I cut that out, uh, but I don't edit out content. So what? What happens is, as long as you upload something, right, it shows guns or anything like that.


Uh, the live stream and this goes for any platform it's not just a censoring thing, it's obvious. Well, I guess it is, but they don't want to show somebody you know shoot themselves on on the live stream. So, uh, and there's a lag on the live stream for them to. Whatever their system does that sees it. But if you're waving guns around, especially close to your face, like this, uh, it'll shut it off. Um, so this way, when I record these, then I upload it. When you upload something, it just because it's not live and it's not going live until they approve it, then they can it scans and they see okay, it's whatever. So you can do whatever you want like that, and I mean we've had, you know, people pointing at the camera and whatever you know. It's just messing around or something and there it's fine.


So but yeah, the live stream is so I can show you my new paint job on my new kit.


You can show everything Ooh.


I can't show y'all because it's in my car right now.


They are replica.


Brand new paint job I just did yesterday.




Move it really slow because it does lag a little the video got that motion blur on there.


Yeah, it looks good man so what I did was I base painted it tan and then, while it was tacky, like it was partly dry oh man, now I'm going to get stuck here, throw it.


There you go.


So while I waited because it's a flat you can go to Walmart and get the flat cans. You know the flat, the matte finish. So I took the matte tan, sprayed a coat, let that dry completely, sprayed a, a second coat, let that get tacky, and then I took, uh, my brown. It's almost a black, almost so it's a darker brown, and I just sprayed that here and there and then I just rubbed it and just kind of made swirl marks, let it dry, flipped it over, did the same thing. So now it's a. It looks like it's been out in combat forever.


It's got that battle-worn look and I paint all my guns.


That's pretty cool.


So yeah, I can't show you all, but I actually just got for my new kit, specifically for the team. I got the Bolt BRSS Mark 18 and a SIG M17. And the cool thing about the Bolt BRSS system is the buffer tube actually functions as a buffer tube, so it has a little weight in there that's driven by a piston and a spring to simulate recoil. I'd say it has about as much recoil as a real steel ARP9.


A little squirrel moment here. Is that an Imperial Star Destroyer behind you?


It's actually the. You started up his nerd, it's the Lego SSD.


Oh, and it's Lego. Now, you really started up his nerd oh yeah, so my it's Lego. Now you really started it.


Oh yeah. So my girlfriend and I, speaking of Legos, kind of get off topic here, but my girlfriend and I we started this thing with Commander. It is really cool With Commander Cody and it's kind of like a flat Stanley.


I also got this Nice the invisible hand, and a part just fell off of it oh it was part of the stand.


I was just going to ask you do you glue them when you put them together? I do not.


I've heard of people doing that. Minty's dad did that. I don't get it.


He did it when he was a kid. It was just a way, because he used to blow them up.


to be honest, so my girlfriend and I started doing this thing with Commander Cody wherever, because I travel and she travels too, so if we're somewhere new we'll take a picture of Commander Cody. She did a convention in California, so she took a picture of Cody at the Hibachi Grill and then she tucked him into bed and like it's kind of like a flat Stanley or where's Waldo, kind of thing yeah it's kind of our thing.


But um, there's like a, like a little figurine yeah, it's a minifig.


You don't know.


Star Wars oh, oh, it's a, it's a minifig yeah, yeah, commander Cody. Well, yeah, I know Commander Cody, but there's been figurine action figures.


There's been minifigs. It's a minifig.


Okay, but yeah, of course, hold on.


He's about to show.


We're about to go into the nerd realm, dude. Should I show the lights? Should I show the lights? Should I show the lights? No, what? Okay, here we go.


Oh boy.


Oh no.


Just brought out all the white horse nerds.


That's what just happened. Yeah, man Rambo what do you got?


Do you have the Star.


Wars stuff.


No, I'm not into any kind of Star Wars.


How are you on this team bro?


Whoa, it's okay. The founders are kind of similar to each other. That's badass. We're busy driving Jeeps around.


Alexa turn on R2-D2. R2-d2. Okay, no, that's funny.


Got his little Alexa thing Programmed for Star Wars and crap.


Yeah, but that's not even the coolest part.


I gotta turn here, see the last thing I need Is Dr Evil hearing any government secrets. So I don't have an Alexa. Alright, think about it. He's bald Super rich and has a penis shaped rocket.


He is Dr Evil this is a two foot tall first order TIE fighter with pilots see that would be cool if the new movies didn't suck oh god this big motherfucker.


The thing I almost tripped over during hockey night.


My boys talked about the new movies. They're more into Star Wars than I am. This is probably three years ago.


There you go.


There's my nerd for the night when I, um, I was, I wasn't really able to get out of the house yet and, um, so, uh, I was like, okay, I, you know, I was tired editing. Uh, you know, I had to take breaks from editing. We were putting out like three videos a week, uh, unboxing reviews, all kind of shit. So I was nonstop editing my computer's not that fast, so it, you know it took a lot, it was time consuming, but I would get tired of sitting here. So I'd go watch something. And I never really got into watching shows or movies, you know, like binge watching them. So I was like you know what I've heard all these people talk about, uh, star Wars, like, oh, the new ones, they ruined it, blah, blah, blah, especially like the last one or something. So I hadn't seen it. Well, we had the whole set, okay. So I'm like I mean, I saw the first three when I was growing up, you know, as they came out, well, the old ones, whatever the order they're in.


I forget Four, five and six, yeah.


So I was like I'm going to five and six, yeah, so I was like I'm going to watch them, all of them in order, like binge watch. It took me two days, it was like nonstop, and at the time I was on steroids, I was barely getting any sleep, I was hyper as fuck. And so I watched them in the correct order they're supposed to be in and I have to tell you, man, I I really enjoyed it. I did not. I couldn't criticize even the newest one, like I was. I was like I understood, like I don't know because, maybe because I watched them like that I it, uh, it all made sense. The way it explained everything. I don't know.


So I've.

Jonly Bonly:

I don't know.


Let me kind of explain to you the gripes that a lot of the fans have had with the newer trilogy, episode 9,. I feel like it's mainly the fact that there was no really saving. It's not the fact that it was made by Disney. Disney has made some really good Star Wars movies, like Rogue One. That's pretty much their only good Star Wars movie. I liked Rogue One. Rogue One was good, but uh, so the woman playing Princess Leia. She actually passed away.


Carrie Fisher yeah, I don't know if he knew who Carrie Fisher was, though by name yeah, yeah, I do him and I are older than everybody here.


We know who Carrie Fisher is yeah.


Yeah, I'm 53 man, I'm old as shit. Did she die? Yeah?


so her last movie was Star Wars Episode IX, and because Rian Johnson had fucked up Star Wars Episode VIII so bad, I feel like the trilogy was pretty much unsavable at that point, I mean they did the Christmas special and that was worse.


I think that was better than Episode VIII and IX. Yeah, definitely.


Well, the thing is, I think, the reason why episode nine was so bad, also sorry, my camera's kind of being fucky. Uh, zoom's not responding for me anymore.


Uh, that's fine but uh, audio's good, so we're good yeah, uh, but like I feel like the reason why episode nine was so bad is, uh, well, there's a lot of reasons, but one of the main ones is that Rian Johnson fucked up episode 8 so bad that they just tried to salvage what they could from that and you couldn't really you can't really bounce 100% back like episode 9 was better than episode 8. I think we can agree on that one but they are gonna well.


So now they did a 9 and they're doing the series. They are going to bounce back because it's just been announced that, well, I don't know if it's been announced, but George Lucas is now the majority shareholder of Disney.


That's fucking. That is fucking hilarious. That's awesome.


Um so hopefully we see kathleen kennedy getting ousted from lucasfilms, because I feel like that would also solve a lot of the issues and they are doing three prequels prior to episode one and then they're gonna do three futuristic kind of in the timeline, but you know a little further ahead so if you, if anybody has disney plus and you guys want to, and that's what I started doing recently is disney plus.


If you click on their star wars icon, you can scroll down a little bit and you can go star wars in order and it'll. It'll play every single one all the movies, the cartoons, the spin-offs, the, except for the 2003 through 2005 miniseries.


Because that's technically Really. That's there too. Because I thought that was considered non-canon technically.


It's every Star Wars. Even the Star wars droids tv show from the mid-80s is in that timeline.


Huh that's but, um, yeah, uh, another thing, like the main reason why episode five was so bad, is that completely ruined the character of lu Skywalker. Because, like the man that would go from no lengths to save his father, who was by all means unsavable, like he, luke Skywalker stopped at no end to save Darth Vader and bring him back to the light. Um, and like darth vader was 100 unsavable and yet he did it. But he sees his nephew, um, have a little bit of doubt and immediately goes to Did we lose Hello?


Immediately goes, and then he got cut off.


Immediately disappears. Oh shit, so all right back to. Did he plant it?


I don't know. I think that's the Star Wars guys bro, okay, yeah, no.


Well, since before we went down that large rabbit, hole.


They said he's talking blasphemy, what there?


was a large rabbit hole there, but we were talking about Operation TD4, there was a large rabbit hole there, but we were talking about Operation TD4 and some of the moments leading up to TD4. That included Brad. So, I'd like to talk about one specifically that he mentioned already, but specifically a Circle K employee. If she ends up watching this shout out, I guess because now we joke about it a lot- Okay, Circle K, where at?


Do you want to shout it out, do you want?


to shout it out.


Uh, or do you want to keep?




It's somewhere in North Carolina somewhere in North Carolina.


We don't actually okay.

Jonly Bonly:

Doc's involved in this.


Carolina, that white horse, Milsim group uh shout out.


So it's probably not a good thing. So it's probably not a good thing, but we joke about it because we find it hilarious.


Well, it's not terrible, but it's just funny yeah.


So to preface it, he didn't mean to do it, but it happened. He was getting some ice for a drink that he had, or he had ice in a cup for the drink he had, and when he was paying for it it spilled. The ice went all over the counter and when he went to go sweep it back in, ice cubes hit the floor and the circle came fully. On the other side, she must have been having a bad day or something because she got petty she got, she immediately got petty.


Um, me and doc are behind him in line just waiting and she immediately goes. Really dude, that's rude as shit, and me and me and doc, when we heard that both like just died, the conversation ended. And then we're just like staring at this and I'm looking at, I'm looking at brad, like I see the ice cubes on the floor and I'm like what just happened?


he's like yeah, yeah, and I'm like maybe what just happened?


He's like kicking him on the desk, yeah, yeah. And I'm like maybe he'll pick those ice cubes up. And then I see him like kicking him and I'm like, oh God, no, so what she on top of all this.


She's like that's really shit. I mean, did she think you?


swept him on the floor on purpose. Yeah, yeah, she thought he swept him on the floor on purpose.


The caution went foresign. Put it within a foot of me and then another one of our teammates walks in.


No, it wasn't even a teammate, it was just some random dude.


Oh. So a random guy walks in and she's like you need to be careful, sir, the floor is wet. He spilled ice all over. It was two ice chips, dude, Two fucking ice chips.


Yeah, a little too.

Jonly Bonly:

ice cubes the whole time this has happened.


Me and Doc are just having awkward small talk.


Trying to avoid all the Ask him about the zipper pockets on his parka.


So that's when I decided to sweep the two remaining chips onto the table and it's just like I didn't mean to do it. And she was like well, you know it helps if you have the cup there, and I'm like I did. She's like well, you know it helps if you have the cup there, and I'm like I did.


She's like whatever lady I'm out of here After he left that pettiness just carried on to everybody in line afterwards and I was next up and I'm just getting like I don't even remember what I grabbed, Because that whole situation just made me forget that.


No, you know what you grabbed. You grabbed some gummy Skittles. Yeah, you know what you grabbed. You grabbed some gummy Skittles.


Yeah, so I'm getting those and I'm just getting the same sass that he got when he was up there and I'm like, dude, I want to get out of here. So bad right now. The tension is so high. When was this? Was this the first stop? No, this was like right before we got to the hotel. Third or fourth, you came in like right after all, the tension died.


Like right, you came in right after all, the detention died. Oh, the last fill up before we got to the hotel. So it was probably about 100 miles or something like that outside of Durham, north Carolina. Oh that's funny.

Jonly Bonly:

But it was like 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning. I will be sorry, it was super early.


And then the waitress at the at the waitress at the restaurant was like oh, that was good, oh yeah there was a lot of. There was a lot and I told you all the shenanigans that happens. For the most part, 90 of them involve me directly or indirectly or on purpose or not. Somehow I was involved in all the fucking shenanigans.


You're a tension whore.


Yeah, he was.


I'm a ginger. What did you expect? You're not ginger, I am as ginger as the day is long. Sir, you look blonde. Yeah, you look South African.


We're going to go there now go eat your vegemite well, speaking of, of that power, what, um, how did you just give us a brief history real quick, how you ended up on the team, because I haven't done a podcast with you personally, so how did you go from south africa to michigan, and then how did you get into airsoft?

Jonly Bonly:

and then how did you find this?


group of crazy dudes very, very long story.

Jonly Bonly:

Like a very long story because it's immigration and all that type of shit.


So it's it's not easy we brought him over in a container. He was very expensive.


like Very very expensive 55-gallon bucket.


Yeah, he was expensive as hell. I traded a couple cows.


I had to give up some personal stuff.


I had to trade a couple cows, which was not okay you have to do that for something.

Jonly Bonly:

You have to trade some cows for people, exactly.


I still haven't seen my daughter yet. I had to give up a kid.

Jonly Bonly:

So what they're talking about is um, you have to certain cultures in south africa, you have to pay um the father to marry the wife. Basically, um, but it's not like a you're not buying the wife, like you're not buying the daughter you, but it's more like proving you can look after the daughter, you know, by showing what you have and if you can afford a certain amount of cattle or or whatever they decide on because you need to negotiate. Yeah, that's what. Sorry, I'm getting derailed here that's what they talking about that's.


That's interesting.


You know that culture like different cultures well, we used to do that here too, back in the old days it's called a dowry yeah, back in the early 1800s you would go to a woman that you loved and you would ask her father, and then your family and her family would get together. Okay, uh, we're gonna set so much money aside.


It's called a dowry yeah we're gonna set so much money aside for her and if you, we're gonna put in 10 grand and you need to put in the same amount. If you can't, you can't marry my daughter yeah okay, I'll be honest, I did not know.


I don't think it's like a worldly thing, you know. I don't know if it's it's not commonly practiced in the united states anymore no unless you know. You're like upper echelon, where you know you're merging of powers. But yeah, they used to do that shit all the time interesting okay, so how many, how many heads of cattle did you have to give for your wife?

Jonly Bonly:

well, she's american, so I was good good, keep my cattle.


So what did you meet her in south africa?

Jonly Bonly:

yeah, she exchanged, she was an exchange student, okay, so met there, she went back, came back and then, you know, back and forth nine months long distance, which sucked, um, but anyway, so long story short, uh, after all the immigration crap and all that stories, got to Michigan, um, and then I was looking for a hobby and I needed to get out, needed to meet some people. You know just, I just needed to also make friends and stuff out, needed to meet some people. You know just, I just needed to also make friends and stuff. And then I saw this, you know, post of, like this, fighting off on airsoft. I don't know what battle it was, but the guy was driving like, riding in a chopper with a lmg shooting bbs at people on the bottom.


You know in the chopper.

Jonly Bonly:

I mean that was insane. I was like how can you afford it? But anyway, that was pretty cool. So I was like you know what? You know, they made me look into Airsoft. And then I saw Whitehorse on Facebook, because Facebook, you know, they follow everything you do. So all of a sudden everything is Airsoft, because I watched one video of Airsoft. And then I contact Minty and you know, he helped me through the whole process. He told me what stuff I need. He sent the very process. He told me what stuff I need. He sent the very organized, sent me the lists of everything. Um and uh, literally, I think I think if, if it was the right season, maybe a week I could have been able to join the team with my things. You know, um, I just had to wait for my gear, but yeah, that's uh, basically how I met them.


Um, Just wanted to meet a couple of people, so you found Airsoft randomly, because you were looking just for something to do and then you found these guys randomly, yeah, and you know what Thanks Internet for?

Jonly Bonly:

real. It's amazing because it's exercise. It's exercise. You run around, like we already talked about water, you have to drink a lot of water because you're sweating out, right, and these guys are a great group of people, so we had a lot of fun and laughs and that's exactly what I was looking for.


so, yeah, you heard about the drink in the water, pineapple, right? No, you know what, though?


I mean, when you were talking about that, uh, you said about this medication, like there is, you know, I I used to. Okay, I was the same mentality, I'm just going to drink more water, right, but I was just pissing all day and it was perfectly clear and I still felt dehydrated, like I still my mouth felt dry, my you know, and, uh, over the last few years I've started learning about just a little about the like ph balance and alkaline water and this kind of thing that, uh, that actually hydrates you better, or like that liquid iv somebody was talking about. You know, about the like pH balance and alkaline water and this kind of thing that, uh, that actually hydrates you better, or like that liquid IV somebody was talking about, you know, like there's you don't


always have to just drink more water. It's a combination of things.


So right and I and I tend to get that body armor Um.


I think a lot of that stuff yeah.


I know it's got the it. Um, I think I love that stuff. Yeah, I know it's got the it's a black label, but it's got the high ph count or no it's alkaline water. So, yeah, I drink that for two weeks prior to airsoft games. That's all I drink when it comes to water, and I don't drink sodas and I don't drink um sports drinks. Really, I mean, my, I guess, would be tea. I drink a lot of sweet tea, but I kind of cut back on that.


You can fit in down here, bro. Shoot In the South. I got some sweet tea in there.

Jonly Bonly:

No actually.


They drink gallons of that shit down there.


Shameless plug here I got vitamin water.


Not even the triple.


X, though it's the dragon fruit.


He's shaking his head at you, bro, okay, yeah.


I'm not even the triple X.


It's not the triple X, they didn't have it All they had was the dragon fruit. Is this shit still not working At?


least you picked the second better one.


Wait, can you all hear me?


Yes, we can hear you.


Okay, all right, just making sure, because it still says not responding. I cannot wrap my head around why Zoom is being like this.


And then we stopped at GameStop at the event too.


Yeah, so why did you go to GameStop while you're going to an event?


Because, it's free. Give him one guess, yeah here we go.


He made all of us stop for this.


Oh, the pop, the Funko Pops.


Yes, he literally made all of us stop for this.


It was by.


Let's show them off who's got one Come on.


Oh, okay, so I got this is my two. This is Zuck, this is.




Okay, all right, gears of War Back in your hole, okay. And then this is one of the bounty hunters. And then I got two more, I got Darth Tyrannus and I got another bounty hunter and GameStop right now they have a clearance aisle and it was buy one, get one free. So I stopped and picked up two. I paid like 13 bucks, when they're normally like 13 bucks a piece, mind you, while he's doing this.


Our whole convoy is sitting outside of GameStop waiting to go back to the event.

Jonly Bonly:

But he didn't even park the car, he literally just parked right in front of GameStop, jumped out while the car was running, leaving us there.


He didn't even tell us he was going to GameStop. It was just so random.

Jonly Bonly:

I'm like where's he going now?


Oh Lord, we all thought we were about to go and then suddenly the truck stops and we and we got all of our cars behind us. We're all just sitting here and this whole time we were like the whole time we were going down, we were using the uh, I'm gonna shamelessly plug it but the app zello, um, they're using it for comms, like the whole way down there, and all it is is just like a push to talk app on your phone hello yeah, and you can use it like literally anywhere it's really great um you can use it while you're playing.


No, we don't. It is possible to use it while you're playing, but I feel like it might be a little more complicated than just having an actual PPP set up.


Oh, okay, so you use it while you're driving.


Yeah, we were using it while we were driving, so anybody who had a passenger except for Joan Lee Joan Lee drove himself Because he's independent.


He's a strong, independent woman.

Jonly Bonly:

There we go. I had to row myself all the way from South Africa alone.




But yeah, what was the cell phones?


years ago that had the Motorola's, the flip phones.


They actually had it built in.

Jonly Bonly:

Nokia as well. Oh, that's awesome.


Those things were great. Dude. Ptt systems are so cheap. Now you can get a Baofeng URV5,.


I believe UVR5?.


UV5R. That's it. You can get a Baofeng UV5R for $20 with a cheap headset for $15 and a cheap push-to-talk cord for $10. Having an actual, proper comm setup, it's super accessible and if you're going deep into Milsim, I'd highly recommend it. Of course, I recently upgraded my. I used to run Baofeng UV5R with a $10 push-to-talk cord and a cheap headset, but now I have a set of real Peltors issued to me by good old Uncle Sam. What are they called?


Peltors issued to me by good old Uncle Sam. What are they called Peltors?


It's like the combat headsets. You see all the special forces guys wear.


Hey look, some of us ain't got that government money pal.


Maybe you should sell your soul.


I did, I already did, I got Comtac 5s Peltor Comtac 5.


Peltor Comtac 5.




And I also have a. It's like the USR6, I think it's another Baofeng, but it's like the big green motherfucker that looks like an actual military radio. So I got that on my rig too now With an extended antenna so I can get about, I'd want to say 10 miles of range on it.


Man, that's good.


Oh yeah, and I got like a $30 PTT cord to connect the radio to the. I got like a $30 PTT cord to connect the radio to the headset. I also have the headset mounted to my helmet.

Jonly Bonly:

Will it work like in the basement? Yeah, Really. Because that was the problem we had to fund them. I was going to say that's a big issue with some of these milestones, like Barnwell at GTI.


The whole area. You go into the bottom.


The place is supposed to be haunted, you know, with the pipes and stuff down there. I mean that is concrete plus you're underground, like I don't know Where's this.


You'd be surprised.


You know like it's in Barnwell, south Carolina. I'm sure a handful of these guys have been to some.


I have not, I have not been to this Okay. So, what.


Centurion. Centurion is doing one in May. But just to kind of get back to the, the basement issue, like so, with Thunderdome for being a huge, a huge mall, I mean you have I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of square foot there. You are literally in the basement like there's no, yeah, so there's like there's only a couple ways in, a couple ways out and it's pitch black in there and there's a lot of fun. So when I did three, which was in October, it was the first time I'd done the mall event, but these guys experienced that and like it's literally, it's small group tactics, it's fighting hallway to hallway and it was a lot of fun. I mean, there is a five coming.


We were supposed to have drone coverage for that but with me getting dropped out for that first day, I wasn't able to get my drone working. But, um, you know, we gained two new members. Um, through veterans. Uh, you know we gained two new members through veterans. Barker had mentioned veterans for Airsoft earlier, I think it was. So I brought in my buddy, corey Gibson, who is an Army vet, and his son, isaiah, who just turned 17. And when you look at Isaiah, he looks 35.


Yeah, he's six. Yeah, he sounds like he'll fit right in no, no, no, no.


So cory, let me tell you these motherfuckers cory is six foot three. His son is six foot four. His wife is six foot two. His oldest, his second to old, his oldest daughter, is 5 1111". Whoa, I don't know. He's a Gibson. Yeah, his 10-year-old. I'm 5'9". His 10-year-old is 5'8". Jesus. She's almost as tall as I am, so yeah, someone's been riding Jack's beanstalk no kidding. What do they eat, bro? I?


gotta find myself like a six-foot-four woman. I'm trying to play Shadow of the Colossus in real life, oh God.


But getting back to that, I brought Corey, I linked him up with Freddie from Veterans for Airsoft and Freddie is a great dude. He outfitted him a complete kit. And that's what they do they bring guys in, they get them. If they need a hotel, they'll provide a lodging, they'll provide the game play ticket, they'll provide all the gear he needs bbs, everything, ipro, all of it. So we linked up with freddie. Uh, on friday freddie got him hooked up with what I I didn't have, so they had a full kit and a spare rifle. He ended up picking up a Polar Star from me. I sold my beloved Polar Star, but I only sold it to Corey because he's my friend and so now they're a part of our team. We got them patched in and they rocked out.


There's a video, I think it's on. Yes, there's a video um it's on our instagram page.


I wasn't involved in this. It's the one thing that I wasn't involved he was not involved in this.


You were lying earlier when you said you were part of.


I said, I said 90 of everything that happened, I was involved.


Is it the one in the mall with the something?


Well, they're all in the mall.


WH-18 being a wrecking ball.


Yes, that is Corey's son.


Oh, let me bring it up on the screen.


Yes, would you please?


I came in like a wrecking ball. All right, let me show the screen and I'll show it to you guys.


Go ahead, tell the story.


As the editor of this video, and also in that video we had gotten some information. I won't plug the person who gave us the information we asked not to be plugged, but he gave us some information on the fact that the barrels that you're about to see in the video, they get torn down. He told us that we could knock those barrels or move those barrels down, and if we would, he would record it. And that's exactly what he did, would record it and that's exactly what he did. Um, so that was our teammate who so graciously sacrificed himself to blow up their defense with his body you know, and the funny thing is is Isaiah is a great kid, but when?

Jonly Bonly:

he runs.


He runs like a duck he does like no, his upper body is straight and his bottom half is waddling and it's hilarious. He's a good kid. This was Corey and Isaiah's first real Milsim event they went to. They did some dad stuff oh that's funny Father-son thing at Black Ops in Fayetteville there. But this is their first large-scale event and they had a blast Okay there. But this is their first large-scale event and they had a blast okay, and they're hooked and that's what these events are for is to get more people involved and get the future generation in and um, there's also a video of doing some. Uh, you can see it there in the bottom left-hand corner there with the door. Yeah, that, that one right there. That's them doing some room clearing. Again, one of those 90, 10% that I wasn't a part of, and that's Isaiah. That's a 16-year-old kid right there. Jesus, oh my God, that kid right there is 16 years old. He's a fucking tank. He's huge. He's 17 now and so we nicknamed him. His call sign is Sasquatch.

Jonly Bonly:

There you go Makes sense. I still like Wrecking Ball more. I'll be honest, I like Wrecking Ball too.


And ironically, his LBV that he's wearing is from Veterans for Airsoft. But yeah, he's 6'4".




At 17 years old and he's a JR four. Nice, at 17 years old and he's a jrtc. Uh, air force kid okay nice.


No, no, no, he's gonna be he's gonna be enlisted.


Enlisted are the ones that actually do work. All right if you.


If you go to the next photo if you go to the next photo of the team photo, if you can bring that up, you can see Corey there and you can see if you look at the door frame how tall oh yeah, he's right there dead center? Yeah, does he have a duck?


when he's walking through doors who's?


this guy, this guy's huge, that's his dad, oh wow, okay, yeah, jesus, while we're on this photo, it's actually oh, wow, okay yeah, but uh Jesus while we're on this photo.


While we're on this photo, it's actually worth talking about um. You can see our flag has a bunch of writing all over it um, yeah, did people sign it, yep, so that flag is actually the flag that's in the background of Pineapples yep, that's that flag right there, nice that is the original team flag, for when the team first started During this event, we decided to sign everybody who was on it, and on the side I wrote Operation Thunderdome 4.


And I think that we're going to do this as a tradition every event that we have.


I won't get every flag. We'll give a flag to somebody else.


It'll be a new person every time.


So one flag for one event, that's a good idea.


So we have, I think, nine more events to go in our season. Our next one's Complex 10 out at Blast Camp oh wait shit.


Blast Camp's in Illinois right.


No, it's in Hobart Indiana.


Yeah, but we're going to give away another one of these kind of flags and what we're going to do is the same thing Sign it and then on the side it'll have the event name on it and it'll go to one of our team members and then probably next season that'll obviously that might.


Oh, is that Norbert and Nico holding it?


Yes, it is. Yeah. So the plate carrier he's wearing damn he looks so different. Did he shave? I donated to him, I think. So I donated that plate carrier to him and that lbv, that's so. I also helped, uh, with my spare equipment to outfit these two guys and they absolutely had a blast and it was that, the two guys from from north carolina that you picked up.


Yeah, yeah, okay so I met cory.


Real quick about cory I met cory playing xbox with uh division the first division and we became friends and I was doing a lion's claw event, uh, in um myrtle beach at the uh old, uh hard rock water park, huh, and I stayed with him and his wife for a couple of days and um, but yeah, we've been friends for almost 10 years now. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, no, cory's a great guy. He's a 10th mountain. Uh, he's a 10th mountain guy okay oh wow, so he's like badass, badass.


Yeah, he's super badass.

Jonly Bonly:

For the people that don't know what is 10th Mountain.


It's the third coolest division. It's a ranger division.


He was a US Army ranger. No, he's not.


So they have rangers there, but they're not a ranger, they're just they do all. Oh, okay.


I thought, 10th Mountain was all rangers. No, no, they do a lot of our mountain. They do all of our mountain training. They do all of our mountain battles, I guess, or anything that has to go into the mountain ranges or cold weather. They do a lot of the training. They do all of the Army's training. So if we're going to go into fucking Siberia, everyone's going to go through Tenth Mountain because, due to the cold weather, they do all the cold weather training up there.


Also, there is one more group that is the fourth most badass. There's one more group that's more badass than Tenth Mountain Jungle. Everyone sleeps on Jungle, but they are one of the most badass like one of the most badass tabs you can get in the military. I say military, not army, because any branch can do the Jungle training.


Right, but I'm specifically talking about units and it goes 101st, 82nd, then 10th Mountain. Okay, yeah, that's fair If you're just talking about units, and it goes 101st, 82nd, then 10th Mountain.


Okay yeah that's fair If you're just talking about units, then yeah, let's be honest.

Jonly Bonly:

Everybody that's willing to put their lives on the line for their country is fucking badass, I'm sorry.


It doesn't matter if you're on the roof or where you are. I would not call myself badass.

Jonly Bonly:

I mean, it doesn't matter. You're putting your life in the chair for you. You're living for something. No, hold on, hold on, no, no.


Minty is going into the chair force. I'm not a fucking nonner it doesn't matter.


Hey hey, hands moving behind a desk is actually very slim in the PA field Sure.

Jonly Bonly:

I'm out there busting my ass on the line every day turning wrenches making sure these planes fly.

Speaker 5:

Listen, I'll be taking pictures of you. You want a picture for it?


You know what man? Do you want me to take another picture of you?


Paper cuts do suck boys, it sucks man.


Have you ever gotten a safety wire? Cut, you can tell us a story about a staple. Okay, you can tell us about a about a staple. Okay, how did that mother go? You can tell us about a staple.


I mean look if you're going, if you make it into the military and it's not as easy to get in as when I was in. No, they didn't have the restrictions you know, like they were back when I went in in 89, they were still. I served with guys that were sentenced by a judge. You either go to jail or you go into military.


Yep, yeah, it's not a lot anymore.


So it was like this was that was still going on and you know so that we had. And when my daughter went in to the Air Force, she spent four years in the Air Force. She went in about six years ago. Dude, I could not believe how strict they were.


I was like holy shit they tried to deny me at MEPS because I had bronchitis in 2019 and they thought I had asthma because I was prescribed a rescue inhaler for it. So I had to fight tooth and nail just to get past maps and into basic.


Sure, yeah, it's crazy bro. Yeah, they were, they were sending us in. No matter what, bro, like you can do two pull-ups before uh, you did them right there in the uh recruiting office. You can do two pull-ups, let's go let's sign that.

Jonly Bonly:

What did they? What did they say? What was so strict for your daughter? What would they do? Just one example.


The background check the drug screening the tattoos, not the tattoos as much. They were actually more strict about tattoos when I was in. We weren't allowed to have them past your short sleeves.




You couldn't have any tattoos because of regulation uh regulation. It was regulation, but it was like, uh, anti-terrorist stuff, so you didn't really identifying marks, um. Oh, okay. If you were stationed overseas or something like that. Yeah, that's valid so we were coming out, you know, in the 80 and 89, late 80s you're coming out of, I know Vietnam was still 20 years before or 15-something years before.


You still had the Bay of Pigs and shit like that Right.


That was in the 60s. You had Cuba, you had even in the 80s, in 83,. What was it? Beirut?


You had a handful of things you had Grenada.


Grenada Right, there you go.


My first sergeant, basic training, jumped with the 82nd in Grenada. Grenada, right, there you go. My first sergeant, basic training, jumped with the 82nd in Grenada.

Jonly Bonly:



My drill sergeants were guys that came up in your time frame, in the 80s and early 90s. I had a drill sergeant who jumped with. I think it was the 82nd yeah, 82nd in Panama not Panama, but Desert Storm. Yeah.


You know. So I mean all my drill sergeants all had their CIBs. You know Gotcha yep, or they had their CIBs and they had SF tabs and they had ranger, like I had badass fucking dudes. But now I mean I feel me personally and this is just the grunt in me, that the military as a whole has gotten soft. Yeah, and everything has.


It's not just the military.


Just our daily lives have gotten.


You know, the more convenience you have than, uh, the softer you get, like it's you know, there's a saying that tough men make for easy times and easy times make for soft men and soft men make hard times hard times make tough men. Yes, that's, that's thank you. That's what it was it's, it's cyclical, but now we're, we're, we're breeding a generation you know of, like when I was, when I was a parent, when I was a young parent. They're like don't feed your kids eggs. Eggs are bad and what the fuck yeah eggs.


Eggs were bad because oh cholesterol yeah, cholesterol and now eggs are good again. And they said you know they for a while there in the mid 2000s is don't be rough, you shouldn't roughhouse with your kids because it causes unnecessary psychological trauma. Well, I can tell you that my kids can attest to this, that because I was so hard on them, and not only physically but mentally, and I kept that military mindset of you know, and the way I was taught how to grow, how to parent, was from my mom, who was not a super strict mom but strict enough to where, you know, if we did something wrong and we got factory reset. You can't do this shit nowadays, fuck yeah, if I said no to my mother, I'm, I promise you my mother was an equal opportunity abuser. She would use switch cords, she would use switch cords, whatever.


Did you have to pick your own switch?


yes, and she actually threw a cat at me one time. Um, we talked about that on my podcast. But um, you can't do that with parents with children these days, because it's all about if you touch your kid, you're an abusive parent. 10 years old, isaiah's at 17. You see these younger kids come in and play and they're being shot at and they're getting hit with bbs and yeah, they got all the proper ppe on, but they're not whining, they're not complaining, they're having fun, they're having a time of their life and guess who's with them? Their mom or their dad, like the one kid was like eight years old or whatever, eight or nine years old. His mother works at the mall as one of security guards and they hooked her up and her and her two kids went in and play the entire weekend. Oh, that's cool, yeah that's fucking awesome.


Yeah, and it's just. We need to get back to growing feral children, because our lives will be. We need feral kids. We need kids to understand what it's like to drink from a water hose. We need kids to understand that when you got up, you ate breakfast, you made your bed and you went out the fucking side and you didn't come in until dinner time. You wanted lunch. Lunch was out. Mom would make a sandwich and put a sandwich on a plate and put it on the picnic table outside and that's where you ate and like hell, even like in my experiences.


I've been like, uh, I've seen like 20 year olds lazing about at respawn and I've seen like the fucking the 7 to 14 year olds put in the most work at events and I'd be like I'd walk up to a little kid, hand him a grenade hey, go run over there.


Go run over there and throw this as far as you can um these airsoft events like that when they're, when these parents are bringing their younger like young teenagers and you know, the younger generation or whatever, and getting them involved. Like you said, Pineapple, it's, it is so it's really good for them, it's really, I mean, obviously it gets them out of the house.


all the basic stuff you know, get them out and exercise, but they're also learning some social interaction about teamwork. Okay, not only that, but they're also learning gun safety.


On like a really good you know you can play sports, like when you're you know eight and 10 or whatever. But if you're not on a really competitive team, like a traveling team for whatever sport that is, you're not really getting the kind of teamwork that it needs, cause your coach really isn't going to push you that hard. You're still young, it's like you know there's not a whole lot of competition at that age. But you get in, you know 12 or whatever, and these guys come out here and they really haven't played that kind of sport where they're pushed and they go to a mill stand with their dad and they see this kind of teamwork, they see this kind of passion, they see this kind of camaraderie and exercise.


And there is something man, now we can all play a video game together and have a great time. It's building our friendships and camaraderie. But if we go and do something physical where we're sweating our ass off, you're in the shit, it's miserable, you got shit to talk about, but you're helping each other. It makes a difference. It really does, because on the other end of that, when you're done, you're like making life experiences.


You're miserable, but you love it like I got these fucking blisters, because I bought new boots and I didn't break them in and I warmed this fucking meal sim for three days. And you know, like all these things, when you go through some physical trial, something uncomfortable, together as a team, there's something about that that really builds that camaraderie.


The thing about Airsoft is you're 100% right about it. But the other thing is that you have two teams, you have opposite sides and when you're throwing BBs down range those BBs don't care. If that kid's white, black, chinese, nine foot tall, fat, skinny, it don't fucking matter, it's gonna hit its target. And for me, I know when I got, when I started playing, to just shoot dudes and be like, yeah, this is cool, like I felt like a 10 year old kid again because it's oh yeah, every boys you know and girls are now getting involved and I try to get my girls involved but they just it's not their thing and that's fine. But you see a lot of women. I belong to a group. Well, I follow a group called Women for Airsoft and it gets women not only just to be players but to be be or just to go to airsoft games, but to be players. And I strongly encourage everybody who has a partner to bring their partner, regardless if it's the same sex partnership or the opposite sex or whatever. Bring your partner into your hobby because it teaches, it brings you guys closer as a couple.


Um, jenny and I. She goes to. Because of her work schedule she's not able to make events, but she does support me, um, and she does make sure that when I do go to events I have everything I need. You know she plays that supporting role and that builds our relationship stronger. And you know she also likes the nerd aspect about it. And, as she says, if I ever decide to do something stupid like leave her she's going to go to all the Airsoft and get all the nerded bearded men and just show me what I'm missing, kind of thing. Oh shit, stupid. Like leave her, she's gonna go to all the airsoft and get all the nerded bearded men and just show me what I'm missing, kind of thing.


But oh shit, wow yes, she's like she's like if you ever leave me or ever cheat on me, I'm going to every airsoft event you go to and I'm hitting on all those nerded bearded men with tattoos just to piss you off, oh shit.


So, but uh, to quote every single commander in the military, ever so circling back so, Rambo, what was your answer?


Yeah, Rambo hasn't said shit all day.


Oh yeah, I was going to bring something up for Rambo, yeah.


Come on, soldier, get in here. What do you want me to talk about?


What you been up to.


I'm always up to something. I mean, I'm going to be kind of absent from airsoft for a while. I'm starting a second job.


Starting a second job. Doing what?


Security for solar fields oh shit Is there a high crime rate in solar fields. Probably to prevent vandalism Not vandalism, probably they steal the panels because they break them down.


And what is it? Copper, or there's some kind of material in them that they'll steal.


Well, yeah, there's a lot more valuable materials than copper in those solar panels. The main thing you see copper getting pulled out of is power lines.


Sorry for kind of breaking it up, Rambo, you got to speak with your chest buddy.


To circle back to what I was saying earlier, because we're not going to let Rambo finish. We're not going to circle back to what I was saying earlier, because we're not going to let Rambo finish.


We're not going to circle back to that.

Jonly Bonly:

You must dominate the conversation.


Go for it, Rambo get in here, go for me, rambo, search the dominance.


Rambo get in there Actually Rambo was kind of quiet, his character.


I think he said two words every movie. I keep quiet. Okay, his character. I think he said like two words every movie okay, ah, man, I keep quiet.


I got my days at home. You know He'll get his reckoning on the field, that's all that matters.


That's all he wants, unless he's dancing inside of his tent Dude for a while.


I thought that was me. I mean, I'd pay for that dance.


Dude, when we did the podcast together and I looked at your Instagram because I always go through and try to find a picture you know to use for the thumbnail and if I can't find a decent one I might reach out and say, hey, send me a picture or whatever. But usually I like to pick it myself because I want to pick something that kind of fits our talk or my perspective of you and the one I had for Rambo was awesome, bro. It's that one. He's shirtless with his cami pants on.

Jonly Bonly:

Oh my God, Pulling the gods up like this.


Doing like a war cry or something. It was great dude.


I don't think I've seen that photo. Yo Rambo, were you trying to send that over? Yeah, you're looking pretty cute right now.


All right, you know, let's keep this.


He's got the beer goggles on.


Let's circle back around to Milson, please, for the love of God.


All right, so to piggyback off of All right.


I'm done.


Oh no, Let me take over now To reiterate it would behoove you.


Oh, no, not more. It would behoove us to get back to the airsoft class.


You got circle back, you got piggyback, you got. It behooves you. There's another one. I don't like that. People overuse all the time is.


With that being said, I'm like oh my god, I'm sorry, I just kind of got.


Instead of saying with that being said, just say the next thing you're about to say.


You know I was always taught that you can say anything you want, as long as you put the words with all due respect.

Jonly Bonly:

Or wait. Bless his heart.


That's a southern thing that could go either way. That could be a fuck you.


Oh, it is it usually is hold on, I'm going to make fun of this dude. Usually it's women and they'll make fun of somebody. They're talking shit behind their back and then bless their heart my mother.


So I'm a foster kid here. Real quick about that. I'm a foster kid and my mother will hurt your feelings without ever saying one single curse word oh, I'm sure oh god, she, she knows she is a manipulator of words and you're just like, did she just like? I don't know how to feel.


Like I think I'm insulted and she cursed you out and never said a curse word yeah, but uh, kind of like pulling back to that sense of like child, uh childhood wonder you get when playing airsoft, like I've noticed that, whatever. So I know I brought this up earlier how I like, if I see like a little kid, I'll hand him a grenade like an eg-67, um, and you'll just see his face light up. You do that with an adult. Same fucking reaction. Yeah, hey, here's a grenade. Same thing fucking happened to me.


It wasn't even like a grenade grenade, it was a smoke grenade and like some really just huge Estonian dude this is when I was like 16. Handed me a fucking massive can, said it was a smoke grenade, said just Rip the pin and then just throw it. And that fucking made my day. I fucking grabbed that shit, landed it right ahead of the door we were trying to get to and this, this thing fucking smoked up. I'm still trying to find out what brand of smoke grenade he used, because this thing it like the smoke was, it might have been an old school like real military one from like the surplus stores.


It looked like a wide tin can, like a girthy, fucking chode of a tin can yeah it's orange.


So, anyway, not to dominate the conversation conversation, but I'm going to because that's what I do you know, you can dominate me anytime. Okay, let's not get weird. We haven't heard from plus. I don't fuck with I don't fuck with the air force. Sorry, I stick to my own brain, you know who else haven't heard from irarock? Is Doc Talk to us brother? Come on, man, get in here.


Yeah, man, you slut next to me. I want to hear more about you.


Yeah, let's hear more about Doc. Doc, how did you get into airsoft? That was my bedroom spot.


Well, so I started airsofting when I was in high school and I went down to a field that was about 30, 45 minutes away from where I was living at the time, called Legacy Paintball and Airsoft in Lockport Illinois. I know that place very well.


Yeah, and so I went a couple of weekends, you know here and there, whatever, uh, try and get a bunch of my friends into it, but they when they weren't interested and, um, I didn't have a car at the time. I was in high school, um, and I joined the Navy. So I had only been airsofting for like three years or so, two and a half years before I joined the Navy. So I, uh, I didn't airsoft at all when I was in the Navy. Uh, because there wasn't any fucking fields where I was at. Where were you?




I was in Gitmo.


Oh, that's right, gitmo is a giant airsoft field.


It's live. Guns Shoot across the wall, man Shoot across the wall.


Sounds like a target-rich environment.


I got out of the Navy and.


I started putting together a Vietnam War kit and I know me and E-Rock talked about this episode 303 or so and so I started putting that together, joined the Illinois Airsoft Discord, got involved with a Vietnam War team, discord Got involved with a Vietnam War team, went to Red Dawn March of last year and then some other single day events up at Black Ops Airsoft up in Bristol, wisconsin, some other events here and there, and I found I just wanted to do a modern kit, a modern impression I guess you could call it and I found Zach had put a message out looking for people for Whitehorse Milsim and this was in December of 2022. So I messaged him back, filled out the application, got all my shit ready and I was largely inactive because I was on the Vietnam team and Whitehorse was still getting stood up on his whatnot Getting started yeah.


Yeah. So I ended up coming around October, November of last year and I drove from Chicago to Lansing, Michigan, like three and a half hours over, to Zach's place for a little friendsgiving, a little get-together that we had, and so it was me and Zach and Rambo and 50 and Pineapple.


That's where you started chewing again.


Yeah, and I had this little can of zins like those oh yeah, I got a pack of vons right now, 8 milli what are they now?


they're little nick pouches.


Yeah, so it's like a little fabric pouch filled with salt nick, he was in the middle of something.


Hang on there, buddy, let him talk.


So yeah, but that's what zins are. He was in the middle of something. Hang on there, buddy, let him talk. That's what zins are, z-y-n. I had the citrus lemony flavored ones that were like 6 milligrams. I was putting one of those in my lip, or whatever. You park a dip, or you park a dip, or you pack a dip and Pineapple opens his fucking Copenhagen straight. Can he's like here dip? Like a fucking man already.


Oh shit.


So I was like Alright, packed a fat fucking dip in and fucking got myself a spitter and I've been dipping ever since.


Oh shit, did you get lightheaded? I used to that first big ass dip from Copenhagen.


That was the first time since I was the Navy that I was dipping again Buzzed as hell. Yeah, I was like holy fuck.


Oh, that shit's strong bro Like fucking flying.


I've gone from Copenhagen Straight to. I've tried the Skull Straight, which is like a little longer cut I've done. I tried the Grizzlies straight, which I think my favorite of the three is Skull straight. But I mean they're all pretty much the same fucking thing. Pineapple's probably going to disagree with me.


We'll agree to disagree.


Well, you said the episode that you and I did was 303. So I want to. It reminded me, since I had a handful of you guys on a shout out to each of you that I've had on before in your episode was. I'll call them out real quick. So, minty, you were number 215. Okay, you were episode number 215. Pineapple, it's been exactly like a year now. You were number 237. Okay, rambo, you were number 217. Oh, okay, so you were before Pineapple, right after Minty. And. Doc was Yep 303.


Well, that's how I found you was through Minty that's right.


I might have shamelessly plugged the podcast multiple times not gonna lie.


I haven't heard of you since Minty plugged it in the discord till Minty plugged it in the discord. I figured hey, you know I don't got work. Might as well oh dude.


Yeah, I'm glad you guys all got on here. I plugged it in the Discord.


I figured hey, you know, I don't got work Might as well, oh, dude, yeah, I'm glad you guys all got on here, man it's cool.


We were in a hospital room.


Huh, Coming a little broken up there. Partner.


I know what he said what did


he say Something about a hospital room. He was talking about his podcast when I was in the hospital with him when his baby was being born.






Well, actually I think, Minty too, you and I talked, Doc, but you were talking about the Friendsgiving thing or something like that.




I think you were talking about that. I thought a lot of the teams I've talked with that are tight like Tryhards out of Florida. They actually they don't just get together for events, they're friends. They have cookouts together, they're hanging out on the weekends. Their families are close. This whole thing that it turns into it's not just hey, let's meet up and play something, this hobby or whatever it's like a life-changing thing. These are lifelong friends. Y'all are making right.


I just had Minty over like two and a half weeks ago or three weeks ago, whatever it was for hockey night.


Who were?


you guys watching.


We watched the Red Wings and then we got depressed and watched Blackhawks.


Because, it was three, what it was no it was red. Is everyone a red wings fan over here?


black hawks, oh, black hawks, I mean I'm.


I like the hawks and I like the wings but it was like three to one in the first period and we were like this is boring so we flipped over the to the black hawks. Game like this is far more exciting. We saw a fight. Dude shit, a puck.


I was waiting for it.


Yeah, I was.


I was born and raised in the Chicagoland area, so I'm Chicago teams all the way, except for the Sox. Fuck the Sox.


Alright, can we kick him out of here?


We gotta kick him out the Cubs are way better than the Sox. Can we mute?


him then. We gotta mute him or kick him out. That's by team management. Y'all are White.


Sox fans Damn.


I'm a Tigers fan. Do we know how to win World Series more than once every hundred years?


Right, hmm. Yeah.


Who has the better fans, the fans that actually stick with the team White Sox. Considering I've been a Cubs fan my entire life, I'd say Cubs have way more foul-weather fans.


So, power, are you coming from South Africa, are you a soccer fan or are you American sports?

Jonly Bonly:

No, no, I like rugby, um, but now, recently, my wife loves sports, um, and I recently got into hockey and she got me into it last year is baseball, so we're actually going to like six or seven games. We already bought six or seven games for the baseball this, this year. Yeah, we're going to go to the opening game now, next, next week, that's my next week Detroit yeah, tigers Okay.


So I like baseball. Do you guys play cricket over in South?

Jonly Bonly:

Africa. Cricket and rugby and soccer are the three popular sports, but the sports that we're actually good in is rugby and cricket. Our soccer is terrible. Oh okay, but it's very popular.


I did unlock a new thing that women's rugby. I don't think I've seen anything sexier than women's rugby.

Jonly Bonly:

Okay, Okay, okay, guys, let's be honest. No, no, no, no, let's just be honest. That's one of the best things to watch.


I love you baby. I obviously have not heard of LFG the lingerie, lingerie, I love you baby. I obviously have not heard of LFG Laundry.

Jonly Bonly:

Football I have, but I've seen that too. Yes, now I gotta look it up.


Laundry Football League.

Jonly Bonly:

They literally just play with football pads out of all the things I've said tonight, all the things we've talked about.


She heard women's rugby and is now giving me a look.


Oh lord she's about to get taken out on camera.


She's getting ready to go flirt with all the nerdy Airsoft boys, Pineapple pineapple.


We got prime pickings right here Pineapple just remind her of the helmet in the vest. Hey, you know, if she wants to come down to Arkansas, listen, listen. Just a reminder of the helmet in the vest talk that we all had.


Barker, within five minutes of you being with that woman, she would ruin your life.


All right, look, I'm going to share the screen so that everyone can see. If you guys have not ever looked up LFL lingerie football, it used to be popular, I don't know how popular it is now Damn. So look, this is.


I follow her right there, Matty. No, go back to the. Yeah, that one right there.


This is what they wear their uniforms.


How the hell, are you going to get in trouble? Oh, I'm so dead.


They're all very tanned.


And, by the way, these girls I'm not kidding, bro If you watch these games they hit effing hard bro. Yeah, they do, I'm telling you Like they do not hold back. Okay, these chicks are in shape.


That girl right there, nikki Matthew. I follow her on Instagram.


Yeah, she. I mean, these guys are like really ruthless. Okay, it is one of the funnest sports to watch.


I mean they ain't got a lot of clothes on Just because it's.


you know, it's nice to look at Like they're in shape, they're pretty and they're wearing these cool outfits. But it is exciting. No shit, like it's not boring, okay.


I've seen videos. They got that fantasy RPG, armor, going. I'm just telling you, bro, look Like it's the skimpiest outfit.


They got shoulder pads, a helmet and then gloves and then their like knee pad kind of pull-ups or whatever. I ain't mad at it, and that's it.


You know what?


Thick thighs save lives, but thigh highs are my demise. Yeah, but here's the thing. One video I watched the girl had caught the ball and the female linebacker had come across the middle. She never saw that coming. No, she was carted off the field. That's an NFL-quality hit. I was like bam, oh it is. I'm telling you, man, I've watched a lot of these games. And I was like oh it is.


I'm telling you, man, I've watched a lot of these games. When I was laid up this is when I found it. I was when I was paralyzed, okay, and I was looking for stuff to why I never watched TV, I never watched shows, I never got into stuff like that. I was always busy and uh. And so when went on here and I watched all these youtube videos, uh, of full games and interviews and shit, and I was like bro, these girls are hitting like crazy and they don't bitch okay no, and, by the way, when they get hit, hard.


They're not laying on the field like holding their like oh, I got a calf cramp. Nah, bro, they get up and hobble off the field Like you're supposed to. Okay, they don't try to stop the clock with that shit. It's crazy.


No, but they yeah just as hard. And it's crazy, bro, they, a lot of these girls. They go to the gym, they work out, they practice all I mean. They take pride and what they do, it's, it's. It's what they call what I gimmicky sports. I guess you could call it, but you get hit by wwe. It really is you watch these girls and they they'll get into fights on the field.


Yeah, they're getting. Look, this is a fight right here.


Knock you the fuck out, uh-huh.

Jonly Bonly:

Go on. Isn't it so that women can join football like men's football?


even I think it started off to probably doing that.

Jonly Bonly:

But if you look at their, they're not wearing the same amount of no clothing as the men are, but they're just as competitive yeah, but what I'm saying is they can actually they can play with men like isn't that? Like there's a woman that joined that she's a quarterback? I'll google it quickly. I heard it somewhere.


That's their own league like that no men allowed, unless it's a coach that's uh hell yeah, but he's talking about like a.


Are you talking about like a regular football team?

Jonly Bonly:

like the nfl. Yeah, this, this, what's this woman's name? Um, you know?


I don't think so, man, and I'm gonna tell you right now I'm I don't know like.

Jonly Bonly:

I've seen it obviously on facebook and you know how, um how much you can trust facebook news. Um.


Well, I wonder if there's any colleges, but I'm going to. I want to say this about that, that whole thing, because I follow Riley Gaines, if you guys have ever heard of her and this came out when you know the swimming thing with whatever that trans dudes names, whatever that tried to, you know he's, he's a guy, he was a swimmer as a guy and then and he was mediocre, he was like middle okay, yeah, whatever, 117 win anything.


Okay, he was like whatever. But and then he says, oh, now I'm a girl, didn't go through transition, didn't actually change anything about his body. Okay, okay, no, not, now I'm a female. And now they allowed him to compete in college Female on the on the female team and he beat everybody's record and he's beaten all the girls in swimming. And it's been going on for a couple of years, so that's actually not entirely true.


He tied with a woman.


At a at a championship game.


He was not even ranked before it with guys, I get what you're saying he's not even trying to hide his junk and then he was tied for first and they allowed him to do this, which I think is fucking bullshit you can't just say I'm a girl and now you're a girl. That's fucking dumb, this is what pisses me off the most about it is that the actual woman that won that or that tied for first. She was told that she couldn't have the trophy. She couldn't even have a photo op.


That woman is Riley Gaines.


Right, that's what I'm saying. So, Riley Gaines, here's what I want to bring up about this whole point is Riley Gaines I know she ain't going to hear this, but if it ever does get out there, I want to say this because I've commented on her stuff before is this this issue of high school and pre-high school sports teams forced to allow girls to play on the boys wrestling team, football team, whatever, so they're forced to allow girls to play with them. But now Riley Gaines is saying, oh, we don't want guys in sport like bro, then you need to stop it in the younger ages. Okay, so if you, when you get into high school football after puberty, girls and guys should not play in the same sports leagues no, so I have a friend, yeah, and I just talked to this girl who's a full, full ride scholarship at firman, who's a full-time soccer player.


She moved here from Florida to South Carolina to play for the team and she said she was always the best, she was always very committed to soccer. She grew up in her dad's from Mexico but she grew up in Florida and they were always into soccer. And she says I noticed a big change. I had to play with. I played with the boys' teams because we didn't have a lot of girls' teams where I was at and we were kind of neck and neck all the time until after puberty. After puberty I couldn't keep up with the guys. That's just a fact. We couldn't do it. So she says you know, I like the separation. I couldn't, I don't, I wouldn't even want to play with the guys team now in college and, uh, because you know we have very major differences in our bodies.


So anyway, like there's also like a Serena Williams there there's a good, an amazing example of Serena Williams, top female fucking tennis player in the world. I think that's pretty evident. But she was told that she wouldn't even make top 500 in the guys league and she tried to contest that and she ended up facing off against, I think, like 300. Like someone like the upper 300s. She got absolutely fucking creamed.


Yeah, I mean, this is a we all know this, this isn't like okay, it's a difference in physiology and. But the point is what you're talking about power, where there's maybe a girl that's trying to get in, maybe it's in a college or something like that. But you know, there has to be some kind of common sense with this thing, where it does, it does but that's come on.


But that's what I like about airsofting and milsim as a whole. There is no, doesn't matter, there's no. Yeah, just boys milsimming and just girls. Everybody blends together, guys, we and we're guys, we, we tend to. If we see a girl having a hard go at in a certain engagement and she's getting overrun, guys will naturally just gravitate toward her and help her out. But we also gravitate to anybody that we see Right.


And so. And women, it's just the nature of the game, right, right and so. And women, it's just the nature of the game, right, but in women, and I feel, because I'm a father of girls, like I have five daughters and I want them to play sports and I want them to be competitive. But in Milsim I've noticed that typically with few exceptions, typically the girls that do play airsoft, they play because their boyfriend started and now they play. And girls get this stigma well, that's all her boyfriend's gear or she's just borrowing that gun. And I know some airsofters and um sisu, uh out of guys get that too, but yeah, yeah, sisu.


Uh, she's from the east coast. She plays on her own um there's um it is rare though unicorn leah doesn't know how she got into her husband. But yeah, she doesn't bring she doesn't, she doesn't bring him uh airsoft Brittany.


There was someone on my last team, Hannah. She got her boyfriend into it.


Yeah, I've had a couple of girls on that did that yeah. It's not common.


But yeah, the thing is, what I like too about Airsoft is is this it doesn't. None of that stuff, all of those things are non-issue. There's no issue at all, because when you put all your gear, you go out there and play. There's no females out there saying, oh uh, they didn't do this for us or they didn't. You're not whining about it. The guys aren't out there whining about the girls playing. The girls aren't whining about being oh, it's all males out here. You know, I'm saying like everyone is out there having a good time and none of those issues are brought up instead, everyone is whining about the same stuff, like the other team but see now.


But see, see now with the other. The other coin of that is, you see, women get involved. However they got there, they're involved and it's growing the sport. And you see, I don't want to particularly, I don't want to sing a lot of particular race, so I'm just gonna say non-white people. So you see non-white people more and more and that's and that's also good for the sport as well and it grows and it shows that, you know, we, color doesn't matter, social status doesn't matter. I've seen a dude, 62 years old at the time, roll up in a Tesla to an Airsoft event and play and run with guys who are old enough to be his grandchildren. So age is not a factor. Your height, your weight. I've seen a dude I'm 300 pounds. I've seen a dude I'm 300 pounds. I've seen a dude, easily 450 pounds. Was he out there running with the guys that are half his weight? No, but he was out there, he played, he didn't bitch about the heat, he didn't bitch about how big he was.


You talking about Odin.


No, this is.




No idea who this kid is, but Airsoft is kind of that collective, that melting pot of white black, chinese, rich, poor. You know the rich kids. They all wear the Crytek bullshit. I hate Crytek. I really do Cry or die, fuck that. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter if you got a $1,400 gun or you just bought one at the pro shop from a vendor for $300. It all shoots the same and it all puts the rounds down range.


And if you got $10,000 worth of gear on, I'm still going to light you to fuck up, yeah, and like equal opportunity defenders and, like I've seen, like a Vietnam war vet that was special forces in vietnam go there in his issued fucking tiger stripe bdus wielding dual aa12s.


just fucking clear house oh, that's awesome oh yeah, he was a really fucking awesome guy. Uh, he he'd like during breaks between games, because I never really saw him at any events, mostly just weekend. Uh, we can play at black ops in bristol, wisconsin. Um, amazing field. By the way, if you're like in the illinois, if you're in illinois and there's nowhere to fucking go to play airsoft, go to bristol. It's it's really fucking awesome field. Or if you're in wisconsin or any surrounding states, it's just an amazing field and don't worry about the raccoons.


You can pet them do not pet the raccoons, no will, those are I I love will pace.


He's a great promoter. I have a picture of me with a raccoon on my shoulder.


He rescues these things as pets oh yeah, they're, they're beautiful animals I, I love will's also just like one of the greatest guys you've ever met, um, but like, yeah, he, he'd like between games people would gather around him. He'd like tell stories and shit. It's fucking amazing who's this?


like the the owner well, all pace is the owner. I'm the person like. Telling the stories is like the vietnam, that's like his home field. Crystal, the Vietnam War vet I'm pretty sure that's my home field. I've seen him there a few times so I haven't been able to go in like a year and a half since. I enlisted and even before then. It's been a while since I've seen him. I hope he's doing okay, Are you active? Duty? Yes, I hope he's doing okay. Are you active?


duty? Yes, I am. Oh shit, Are you?


in your barracks. I'm in my dorm room. Yes, no shit.


Okay, dorm room. I thought I recognized someone.


It's called the barracks. But hey, not to change subjects.

Speaker 5:

Actually, to change subjects Because hey, I'm that guy, all right.


That's it. I would like Minty to tell our podcast listeners how we all got started, like how the team got, not us, but how the team's origin started. Yeah, go into that. And then I want to hear about your.


Somebody earlier said you could have nine events this season.


Yes, Minty said that. Go ahead, Minty.


Okay, that's a lot, man. So anyway, yeah, go ahead. And then I want to hear about that stuff too.


Alright, just to preface, in case my headphones die. In a little bit I will have to switch over to computer audio.


We'll tell it real quick and then if you need to drop out. You can, that's fine.


Whatever you got to do, man, we're flexible. The team started back in October of 22. Me and Rambo had a conversation about starting a team again after Abel Milson, which was the team he owned prior to Whitehorse. You might hear some of the Whitehorse goes back before 2022, and that's because we had a team prior to Whitehorse. It devolved into Whitehorse and now we've built what we have Devolved.


I fucking love that.


Because, you all are degenerates. Okay, Shut your mouth.


Yeah, I guess I evolved. No see if he had evolved he'd be wearing maize and blue right now. Now you know, my boys are about to go play hockey, but that's a whole other subject.


We won the national title. That's all I got to say.


No, you didn't.


Fucking Michigan did win it. Is there a hockey?


game tonight Fuck hockey, no tomorrow. No for hockey. You guys got beat for Big Ten and now we're about to take NCAA, all right let's get back to the story.


here We'll go down that road. All right, go ahead, go ahead. Yeah, so after we started up, it was probably a couple days, or probably a month, before we actually started recruiting for the team, and the first people to join was, like doc um and a couple others. Matter of fact, one of our first people, who is now the one person who's been on the team the longest amount of time short of me and rambo from wisconsin. I'm giving him a little shout out. He's on our page. Um, he's been on the team. He's one of our younger team members, for I believe it is now two years coming up. So a little shout out for him. Who is it? He is Ethan Coach. We don't really have a call sign for him at the moment.


What do you guys?


call him. That's literally just him. We don't have a call sign for him yet.


What's his?


name. Unfortunately his first name Ethan coach. Oh, ethan, yeah, he's, he's posted on our page. Yeah, call him coach.

Jonly Bonly:

Yeah, yeah.


There we go, it's a little derogatory, but the first time I met him I called him cock because of the way.


Oh, I called him cock because of the way it was spelled. Is it K-O-C-H? Yeah, it's K-O-C-H. I was like how?


do you pronounce it? Is it like cock or something? I didn't want to call you cock, but I think that's your name now.


It's no worse than our assumption of Jonely Bonely there. Oh yeah, I didn't know that was black. So it goes all. South.


Africans must. It's no worse than our assumption of Jonely Bonely there, oh yeah. So it goes all.

Jonly Bonly:

South Africans must be black right.


Yes, right.


The team has been going strong. We're going into our second season now, but our first season kind of, like Adak was saying, it was a little bit like our building phase. So events were rather shallow. Like you know, we attended things that were not super distanced, we attended things that were kind of close so we could gain members in our area first.


Now about people trying to get you out to longer distance events.


Yeah, because traveling is difficult for a team man.


Yes, traveling is very difficult for a team, especially when you're first starting out. Call it for a team then. Yes, traveling is very difficult for a team, especially when you're first starting out. Um, this second season we hit the ground running, with our debut being all the way out in north carolina, and I was very impressed with how many people showed up. You guys did a great job for that one.


I'm gonna put that out there but um, yeah, we don't have all the boys that were at that event, because there's like 11 of us that were there and I don't think you'd want 11 people on a podcast.


I don't know I'm trying to think how many we've had on what's the most. This might be tied for the most. Okay, go ahead.


We need to go grab two more people. I mean, I could probably get a couple more, I could get Corey on here but uh, yeah, so the team's been running pretty strong.


Um, we're looking at, you know, pushing out more merch onto our actual website page. Um, we're also looking to grow, but something that this team, uh, something that I personally like to do with our team, because we don't just do, you know, events, like you said, we also do like private trainings. We want to do stuff where might teach you something in real life, you know, outside of just airsoft, like firearms training or things like that, and we want to be able to like actually get firearms instructors come out and teach certain things like open carry but yeah, how to read a map, maybe might be helpful.

Jonly Bonly:

I don't need a map. That's why I sucked in the fund.


Shout out to South Carolina. We just got constitutional carry Bray oh hell yeah, let's go now.


Please, no land now.


We'll see you might need that.


No permit required required.


Just slap that sucker on your hip and walk out the door, bro yep, um, but like we also do events outside of that, just as a team where, like has been mentioned, we did friends giving, which is just, you know, us getting together and eating food and doesn't even have, we don't even have to talk about it or something, we just hang out yeah um, but something that we're, stuff that we're actually planning on doing this year, is that we're looking at going to like cemeteries um during um like we're planning memorial day yeah, sorry, my brain's starting to shut down.


We're going to place flags on veterans' graves.


And coins. Dude, that's a good idea man.


So, things are a little different with our team, if you guys do stuff like that as a team.


Anything you post, any of your social media stuff, you do, and I know you're not doing it for that, but I'm just saying, if you make posts about it, tag me in it, I'll put it out there. I love promoting that kind of stuff.


So the coin thing it was I do that every year Not to interrupt. Sorry, zach, to interrupt you there, but I've been doing that for about five or six years now and I've been doing it kind of quietly. So when Zach, to get back to the team building thing, was like, hey, we should do something, you know, for the community and get our name out there and, you know, do some good for our fellow, you know, veterans that are no longer here, and I suggested, hey, why don't we drop flags? Or no, doc suggested flags. And then I said, well, why don't we put pennies on top of graves as well, to show our respect for those guys? And so that's how that came about. It was a combination of the both of us, you know, inputting, and that's a great thing about what our team does is everybody has, you know, we have our leadership and I know Zach alluded to this but we also everybody has a voice, and that's what teams don't do, you know. They don't allow a lot of their players to have a voice. Oh, okay.


So in my experience in Airsoft teams not excluding Oddball, because Oddball is a really good team we just didn't have the time Shout out, but something that when I joined teams after Oddball, in the intermission between that, a lot of things that I learned was that, like Pineapple said, a lot of teams don't let their like, lower team members actually get to speak ever. So, um, something our team does. We have meetings. Every month we have a staff meeting and then we have our team meeting and our team meeting is just a round table a lot of times. In the round table I tend to talk the most, but it's more or less to get out team information. But after that it's it's open discussion and I I prefer that people actually get time to talk to each other because it builds a bond between all of us.


And then when we actually meet each other in person it's like, oh, we can put a face to a name and then you know that bond continues on because now you've met them in person, now you guys get to hang out yeah something I did at the hotel room because I did a lot of planning for when we went down to north carolina, and I mean a lot, I mean I was on the phone probably every other day, don't even little bit of plan me the motherfucker power pointed us to death my power pointed them to death.


I mean sounds like an officer when I say that when he had us detailed of our activities.


okay, we're gonna go to, we're gonna be at the at the ao doing chrono and safety brief from this time to this time and then we're gonna go eat at this restaurant at this time and then after that we're gonna go back to the hotel around this time and then the next day we're gonna at this, like the motherfucker had us planned out by the hour.


And I'm like Zach, I don't see the problem.


I don't see the problem, but what font did he use?


I think that's a good leader. No, no.


I'm not knocking his leadership skills, because he is a great leader and I like Zach on a personal level as well, and I like zach on a personal level as well. But it's funny because it's like that's all well and good and everybody knows who's ever been in the military that every the plan only works until the first round is fired and once you get on the ao and you get there, it's like shit, what I forgot to do something? Oh fuck, god damn it.


I gotta do this now and that's gonna put the group behind the problem is that when leaders put out uh plans, most people don't follow them and they do forget, yeah, and then they show up without their shit.


Uh, to the formation. This happened with um with my sons. Uh, we go to the formation. This happened with my sons. We go to the Milsim. We get out there. There's like hours before, like we got up early, bro, okay, I'm out there. We're all heading over there. We're almost to the formation 700 people, stonebreaker. We're like right to the beginning where they're going to do the, the big talk, and then, you know, blow the whistle and everybody goes there, their places or whatever. So my one of my sons is like we're literally walking right now. We had to walk probably three, four football fields, okay, to get over from the campground to the formation. They got all their gear, their care and all their shit. They're talking. We get almost to like. They got all their gear, they're carrying all their shit, they're talking. We get almost to like not even a football field away and the dude goes oh shit, I forgot my dead bag.


I'm like bro, for real now I'm just saying, like these plans that somebody puts out, they're not the itinerary. It's not a hey, you have to be here at this time, it's a this is the plan and let's try to stick to it.


But you know, no, he planned it. It's cool, he planned it, excellent, I was just. I give him shit because he had everything planned.


He likes to give me shit.


I mean I would give you shit too if you sent, sent it to me, because most guys in the military were like look, I did my four years bitch. You ain't telling me what to do okay.


Right, but I do appreciate Minty putting out that, hey, you know that timeline of things so that we can stay on a schedule, so that we're not there until 9, 10 o'clock at night and it's oh shit, we got to fucking get up at 6 and load. We can do everything in an organized, timely manner. Yeah, and you know, I thank him for that, but I'm still going to give him shit for it.

Jonly Bonly:

Yeah, but you know, you know, everybody talks about the person that throws the. What the monkey wrench in the wheel, or whatever you want to call it. You know, know to fuck up the plan but what about the guy that actually you know stick to the plan and he's like, like, for instance, me, me and pineapple shared a room.

Jonly Bonly:

Okay, and the first night, the first night, I'm like, okay, guys, what time are we up tomorrow? Neil, I want to be there at this time. I'm like, are you sure? Yes, and then they talk to each other yes, that's time, okay them, okay, fine. My alarm goes off. I wake up, pineapple. I say Pineapple, you're up here if I have to be. He gets up, he's tired, everybody's tired. And we even went down to eat and then after we ate we already ready, like we just have to put our gear in the car. Here Mint Minty comes down, you know, gonna still eat, some people still showering, some people aren't even out of the room, nothing. I think someone was still even sleeping. So we stand there ready to go and we still had to wait two hours.


In my defense in my defense my room had four people in it and we only had one bathroom. That's when you gotta set.


Set up a plan like oh, these two people are showering at night, what the what the fuck are we getting invaded?


what's that? Uh, what was that alien movie?


I think world of the world yeah uh, yo, minty, I think your phone just died. Uh, you might want to swap over to computer audio. Uh, anyways, um, so that's like when you gotta plan out like, oh, these people are showering at night, these people we tried, no, no, we tried that I want to okay so out of you guys.


They're on here, so power. You sound like you're, uh, you're pretty okay. They say we're going to do this, I'm going to get up, I'm going to try to be on time, I'm going to get my shit together and I'm not going to be the last one.

Jonly Bonly:

So listen, I'm not in the military, so I came with the mindset no, no, but I came with the mindset that military is like this right, If you say 10 o'clock, you be there. They even told me you be there like 15 minutes before the time.

Jonly Bonly:

And then you're even late. That's what we talked about before. That same day we talked about it. So I'm like in my head fuck, okay, someone is probably going to wake up at five to go in gym, you know, and they say 10 o'clock, you need to be ready. So I'm trying to, you know, keep up with the pace. So I, so I made sure I was ready at the right time and then nobody was. I mean, some people didn't even wake up and this is all the military guys and I'm like what the fuck you and I were welcome to.


Milsim. This is like a classic. It is. It's a classic. I felt the same way when I heard about Milsim and I went to my first one with these guys. We're sleeping in a tent Okay, I'm fucking old as shit and I was coming out of being paralyzed. I'm fat. Okay, I was on steroids for a year and so I'm barely able to get up off the ground out of my sleeping bag. And these dudes, my sons and their friend, they're like 22. Okay, played football in high school. Like they should be up and moving. I'm the first one up sitting on the back of the tailgate of the pickup truck at freaking you know seven in the morning, cracking a beer open. Okay, because I ain't, I don't, I ain't playing, I'm, I'm filming.


so and these fuckers are still sleeping somewhere.


I'm just saying hey, 5 am, it's still five o'clock so we uh.


For me and and that's why I appreciate about minty is that organization, because when I'm not with the team I do a lot of events without the team, but I still bring, uh, I still sign up under white horse sometimes or I just sign up under strike force, but, uh, I get up early and I do my thing. But for me, because I had two brand new guys who had never done a milsim event before, I had to make sure that they were taken care of and they had never used high-end airsoft guns. So that slowed me down. So but next time when we go, when cory and isaiah go, there will be a little more streamlined, yeah, more efficient, because this was their first event, so they didn't know how to put you, know what gear they needed and I had to make sure that their guns were up and running and and everything. So that slowed me down.


But I give minty shit. If minty said the sky is blue, I'm gonna be like nope, that's. It's more like a teals or that's a chartreuse, you know I mean, or that's if the sky is chartreuse.


You gotta.


You got a couple issues it doesn't matter what I mean. Minty could be like you know what, I had a really good day. I'm like yeah, guess what? I had a shitty fucking day. So fuck you like I'm giving shit about anything. But that's between minty and I yeah and that's how we roll. That's cool, you know, and I had that kid over here for hockey night. We had pizza. Uh, we ate ice cream together, not in the same bowl separate.


Oh because, I don't and and and feed each other no, we didn't go that far, but it's, it's.


You know, that's our repertoire and that's that's our communication. I would talk to each other and I think it shows a great ability to as a leader in Minty to get on the same level as all his guys and, yeah, he powerpoints us to death. But in the long run, we all appreciate it because we all forget shit. We all for we're scrambling around, we're fucking god damn it. We didn't eat breakfast. Fuck, we should have ate breakfast, but you know that timeline.


Let me ask you this now you're talking about breakfast. Uh what as a team? All right, what is, uh the best milsim breakfast y'all can recommend?

Jonly Bonly:

high pro say waffle house, don't say baby, mre baby. The waffle, waffle, the maple sausage patty. You know what waffle house is good for? That is when you want to clear out your entire stomach. You want to be light for the game. You go to waffle house the day before, all right, and then you clear out your system and you're nice and light and you can run.


You know what? We didn't go to biscuit MRE. Maple sausage patty. That is the maple sausage patty MRE. Maple Sausage Patty. That is the Maple Sausage Patty MRE. Best breakfast for.


Milsons, we didn't go to Biscuit World, and I wanted these guys to experience Biscuit World. It wasn't in the cards, though. Maybe next time.


Yeah. Next time, next time. I'm going to cut out early. I'm going to go deal with two kids have fun.


Have a good one, rambo. Bye, I'm going to cut out early, I'm going to go deal with two kids, have fun.


Thanks for being on, man, I appreciate you, love you brother.

Jonly Bonly:

It's getting late. I need to go too. I'm sorry. No apologies.


We've been on here for a while. I think it's been like two and a half hours. We can wrap it up. Why don't you go over your Power? If you want to take off, man, I appreciate you. I know Rambo's stuff. I've had him on before. I have his socials. Do you have any Instagram or anything you want to shout out? If not, no big deal, but if so, I can add it. You want me to do it? Do you have social media?


Yeah, when can you want me to do it, do you?


have like a social media. Yeah, so we got. Where can you people find your social media before you dip out? Whitehorsemilsimcom well, yeah. I'm talking about power, though I don't.

Jonly Bonly:

I'm Brad, new to Milsim and still learning everything, so I don't have any interest in social media.


Regarding that yeah, no problem.

Jonly Bonly:

I appreciate you being on man I appreciate you for having me. Thanks, guys, have a good night night. See nice seeing all of you. Um, yeah, till next time. Just meeting you, man, yeah, only be so minty? Why? Don't you go over uh.


before we wrap up, why don't you go over uh, or whoever uh go over the events you got, like your plan for this year? What do you call your season? Does it just start in January, like just the full year of 2024?, or does it? Carry over, or what does it do?


No, so this season is just for 2024. It should be our second season. This season is just for 2024, which will be our second season. We obviously just hit our first about operations Thunderdome, for our next event is Conflicts 10 in May, and that one is hosted by Cobra Airsoft Legion. Yeah, cobra Airsoft Legion.


Cobra Legion.


Airsoft Legion but that's at Bl camp. Um, once we're done with that one, we're gonna be hitting quite a few other ones somewhat near that area, like operation freedom by black ops. There's black ops bristol, which is in wisconsin. Um, we'll go to operation homecoming, which is, I believe, hosted by mirror yep, hosted by MIR at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, which is in Indiana as well. Then we'll probably hit Pandora's Box, which is another MIR event, which is at Sherwood.


We actually hit this one last year as head staff, which is just me, rambo and Pineapple. Um, we had a blast. Now we want the team to be able to join us on that. Um, now we're doing Colony Wars, which is at Black Ops Bristol, and then Operation Phoenix Rising, which is at the Sheboygan Asylum, um, another event the team went to in the first season and now we're trying to get back there again. Then, to wrap up our season, we are hitting two American Milsim events. We're going to hit Central Front at Bing Field, which is in Alton, illinois, and then the very final event of our season, which I just got the dates for that I got to punch in, is Arsenal 2, which will be at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in Indiana again.


Have you guys been to American Millsim events before.


I have. Okay, he has.


I have not. I don't think I've talked to anyone from American Milsim or that's talked too much about like going to one of their events or whatever. How are their events set up? Are they like? I'm familiar with um, some of the other ones like how like the schedule and you know? So do they have breaks or do they well? Yes and no okay.


So, ams, they do a safety brief, like everybody does, and yeah you check in friday, you get all you do your safety brief.


So when you get there, you, you know, you get your wristband and in order to be able to chrono and it's kind of becoming the trend now you have to go to the safety brief. They need a safety brief every 15 minutes for a four-hour block, but then when you start gameplay, gameplay starts at 9 or 10, depending on where you're at. It's continuous, it's the whole day. There's no lunch. You do that on your schedule. If you are hungry and you want to eat, you go eat. If you are hungry and you want to eat, you go eat. Tell whoever so that your commander or whoever knows that you're not going to be on the field, just in case they do.


They have done some events where they do stop for a lunch, gotcha, just because they're so remote, like when they did Blacksite in Anniston, alabama. That's so remote that they had to do a stoppage. But when they did Mastat, statituck, that's not as remote, so they just kept playing. And then they have a. They have a night game, um, which is included. Uh, third coast, they do a tier one, but that's a separate. Uh, these are the only ones that I know of that, do a separate tier one team or tier one game, yeah.


And then Sunday you do sort of the same thing nine or 10 o'clock in the morning and you play to like noon one o'clock they do a raffle and the game ceremony, and then you have X amount of like an hour or two after the game is over to get off the AO and go wherever yeah.


Yeah, yeah, I'm familiar with the third coast ones. That's the ones I've been to.


Yeah, I like, I like AMS. I really do. When I first started out, I did a lot of AMS events and I got to know Bo Stewart really well, isn't he from Louisiana?


He's from the South, right he?


is he is from, he's an LSU alumni and he's also head designer or a designer for LBX, or was at some point in time, I do believe. That's just what I heard.


LDX. Yeah, London.


Bridge Trading Company. What Super great guy. Oh my God.


Look at that ugly face. I heard, I heard his, uh, his interview with um oh my gosh shit. Who had him on? Novritsch or uh. Anyway, this is like a couple years ago. I I saw an interview with him, with Bo. That was the only one I've seen where he was talking with somebody about how he started the Milsim thing. Very interesting, cool guy.


Yeah, he doesn't do a lot of podcasts. No, I tried to get John. I gave John your.


Yeah, john Liu from Lionsgall Liu yeah.


And John.




John John Lou from Lanswell. And he, he just won't do it Like that's just, you know, because of his schedule and I'm sure.


Well, even Sal I've, I've. I reached out to Sal a long time ago when I first started doing his podcasts and cause I was. I was looking to get like field owners and you know I wanted all these different perspectives and uh, but these guys are busy as fuck man. Like, yeah, you know, they're, like they're the Milsim thing Wasn't usually their full-time thing. Like they're, they're working full-time, like Sal was.


You know he's military, he was, uh, a Colonel I think, and the I think he's a colonel in the reserves. Yep, like family kids, like all kind of shit going on. Plus, these Milsims are not, they can. I've never set one up, but I'm just saying from, I can put myself in somebody else's shoes really well and I can. I definitely understand how much work would go into setting up a huge event like this, like the insurance thing, the safety things, covering all your bases, having enough employees, having enough the infrastructure and the logistics of setting up laptops and having your whatever kind of software you're using for check-in and registration. Like bro, there's a shit ton that goes into it, so I get it.


um, but I would love to have some of these guys on even just for a 30 minute talk, you know and and I the one guy that I would love for you to talk to is is um, he runs.


I don't want to say his name because he still does stuff in and out of country um, that's fine, go ahead. Yeah, you don't have to say his name because he still does stuff in and out of country. That's fine, go ahead. Yeah, you don't have to, but he's an admin, a senior admin with Centurion Okay, and the guy literally wrote the book on small events at large AOs for Milsim and kind of to do the a lot of the stuff that we see now they were doing two, four or five years ago that nobody else was doing.


Uh, as far as like check-ins go and logistic stuff, yeah but um, and that's, you know, goes back to the all-inclusive is that you go to a centurion event, you know, know, and Sal goes to those two and so do a few other amped airsoft goes and you see what they're doing and you try to see if it'll implement into what you got, sure, and so we all piggyback I'm not a promoter, I shouldn't say all but airsofters piggyback off each other and it grows the sport.


But that's part of growing.


Yeah, it grows the sport, but that's part of growing. Yeah, I am actually going to head out myself, but you can find me at strike force Milsim at on Facebook and on Instagram. Also, I'd like to thank my sponsors, which are body armor event. White horse is a sponsor of mine. I'm also a sponsor of theirs. Lakes and mittens and lakes. They make my hats, mittensandlakescom. They make my leather patches. Nice and they also make my shirts.


Where do they have?


They're out of Flat Rock, michigan, nice. I'd also like to shout out to Rudiment Arms they're based out of Detroit, michigan. I work with Turk and those guys They've helped me out over the years and so. But yeah, I'm also on TikTok and you can find me at StrikeForceMilsim on Instagram and TikTok at Pineapples with an S 42.


Sweet. Why don't we go ahead and wrap up?


I know you guys. It's been a while. It's been great to see you again.


Yeah, man, it's been great dude. Thank you guys so much Appreciate you everybody. Doc Barker, send me your deets or whatever for socials if you want me to list them in here.


Well, I mean, the only thing really is my Discord, which you already have. I sent you a DM earlier and it's mainly for if anyone has any questions or if anyone wants any help with anything. Really, if someone's getting into the sport.


Yeah, I'll have all the White Horse M some stuff on here, obviously, but individual ones, you know. If I can find them then I'll have them. The ones I know I'll add in. But yeah, man, thank you guys so much. It's been fun talking with you guys. I appreciate. Minty, thank you so much for setting this up and making sure everybody had all their. You know the audio stuff. You know, once we get the audio thing worked out as far as everyone's got like a headset, we're not working with speakerphone or especially laptop audio.


It's very difficult. Yeah, then we can relax, just hang out and talk, right, we don't have to worry about shit. So I really appreciate you setting it up for everybody and I enjoyed hanging out with you guys on a saturday night, uh before easter I hope you all have a great easter thank you for having us.


Yeah, thank you, it's been great.


I'd also like to say if you go to bodyarmoreventcom and type in the discount code pineapple, you get 20% off.


Hell yeah, nice.


I do want to shout out the Pink Unicorn.


Oh, come on Is everybody going to plug.


Forgive me these cool patches and stuff. How about Red Dawn?


I would also like to shout out.


Pink Unicorn.


Airsoft for helping out my team so much. I've never met the dude, but he seems pretty chill.


He's a character and Airsoft needs great characters.


To be fair, I feel like they're all characters.


I like having interesting people on here.


Mindy's got a plug. Wait, everybody, I got a plug.


I'd like to plug Trifecta Airsoft for having a lot of us on his podcast.


Yes, as well as now.


Whitehorse Mills.


I appreciate you, man, I really do. I appreciate that. Much love and respect to all you guys and anyone out there that's been on this podcast or have supported our channel over the years, and I appreciate that big time.


Don't forget, since most of us are veterans here, Veterans for Airsoft, who helps a lot of veterans, get out there, shout out, freddie out there.


Um, shout out, freddie. I'm actually trying to get in contact with the vfa right now to see if maybe they can bring something down to arkansas, because we have camp robinson and little rock air force base here huge, I feel like a huge untapped market for airsoft. So if, like, if anyone's looking to open up a field down here, like the bases are like 30 minutes away from each other, I feel like putting a field right between the two, great business opportunity.


But if we put 300 men and women in Arkansas, I do believe we'd have more, collectively more teeth than everybody else in the entire state, right, oh shit.


You forget that the military bases are on here and they make sure we have teeth.


We may create a few extra families that aren't like related to each other, I mean hey, I might have children in uh, japan, I don't know.

Speaker 5:

Okay, all right it's been great guys we'll see you later.


Yeah, I hope everyone has an amazing night yes, happy Easter happy.


Easter guys happy Easter. Thank you.

Accents, Military, and Pineapples
Airsoft Sponsorships and Call Signs
Battlefield 4 Medic Role in MilSims
Thunderdome Stories and Dehydration Incident
Airsoft Game Paused for Guard Dogs
Star Wars Fans Discuss Movies and Toys
Cultural Traditions and Airsoft Hobby
Airsoft and Tactical Gear Chatter
Army Vet and Son Enter Airsoft
Building Resilience Through Physical Challenges
Airsoft Enthusiasts Share Stories
Airsoft and Sports Chat With Friends
Gender Inequality in Sports and Airsoft
Team Origins and Community Events
Team Building and Event Planning
Milsim Event Planning and Logistics
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